HR Update is a way for MOSERS to communicate benefit news and updates with human resource and payroll representatives. Check back often and sign up to receive our emails. 

  • In This Edition

    Oct 17, 2023, 12:07 AM By MOSERS

    2023 Benefits U Conference - Register Now!

    2024 Annual Life Insurance Review & Open Enrollment Opportunity

    Attention University Employers!

    Welcome, Zach Burns!

    Phoenix Update

  • 2023 Benefits U Conference - Register Now!

    Oct 17, 2023, 12:06 AM By MOSERS

    Registration closes on November 3rd!

    Register Now

    Who?State human resource and payroll representatives
    What?Benefits U Conference hosted by MOSERS
    When?November 14, 2023
    Where?Stoney Creek Inn, Columbia, MO
    Why?To receive the latest news and updates for administering employee benefits.
    You will also be able to visit other benefit providers during the conference.
    FREE to attend, lunch included.
    How?Log in to myMOSERS to register, select Education Enrollment, then select Benefits U. Use code 111423 to register. You must register to attend.


    If there is someone else in your office who may be interested in attending the Benefits U Conference have them follow the instructions to register.

  • 2024 Life Insurance Review & Open Enrollment

    Oct 17, 2023, 12:06 AM By MOSERS

    The MOSERS Annual Life Insurance Review and Open Enrollment Opportunity ends at midnight on October 31st!

    If your employees have questions about their optional life insurance needs, they may schedule a one-on-one session with a life insurance specialist from The Standard on October 19th, 23rd, or 30th.

    Once every four years, MOSERS, along with The Standard Insurance Company, offers optional life insurance open enrollment for actively employed MOSERS members. The open enrollment period allows you to enroll in new coverage or increase coverage amounts without proving insurability (no medical questions):

    • If you currently have coverage, you can increase it in increments of $10,000 up to $100,000.
    • If you don’t have optional life insurance through MOSERS, this is your chance to enroll. You may elect coverage amounts in increments of $10,000 up to $100,000.

    To be eligible for the life insurance open enrollment, you must be actively employed in a MOSERS benefit-eligible position before September 1, 2023. This enrollment offer applies to member coverage only (not spouse or child coverage). If you have been previously denied coverage by The Standard or you are already carrying the maximum* coverage, you are not eligible to add coverage.

    For more detailed information review the 2024 Optional Life Insurance Open Enrollment for Active Members article.

    *The maximum amount of optional life insurance coverage is six times your annual salary or $800,000, whichever is less.

  • Attention University Employees!

    Oct 17, 2023, 12:04 AM By MOSERS

    Transferring CURP Members
    An employee’s transfer from CURP to MOSERS takes effect the first day of the month following your receipt of the Transfer of CURP Membership form from the employee. The receipt date should be noted in Section C of the form. Send completed transfer forms to MOSERS and enroll the employee into SEBES.

    For example, if you receive the transfer form on October 20, assuming the employee meets the eligibility requirements to transfer, their CURP membership will end on October 31, and their MSEP 2011 membership will start on November 1.

    Entering Contract Employees
    Contract employees who are paid over 9 or 10 months but receive service credit for 12 months of employment must be entered into SEBES as contract employees instead of regular employees. The distinction is important as it will allow us to grant such employees uninterrupted service credit and keep them off monthly error reports. Submit Leave of Absence forms for regular employees who do not work when the institution is closed for extended periods during the winter or summer breaks.

  • Welcome, Zach Burns!

    Oct 17, 2023, 12:02 AM By MOSERS

    We are happy to announce the newest member of the Employer Services team, Zach Burns. Zach is an employer services analyst working alongside Megan Schulte and Tricia Kliethermes. Zach has prior experience in insurance claims and mortgage lending. He is eager to put his data analysis and customer service skills to work in assisting you with your reporting duties to MOSERS. Please email or call (800) 827-1063 to reach Zach, Megan, or Tricia.

    Zach Burns

  • Recently Updated Resources

    Oct 17, 2023, 12:00 AM By MOSERS

  • In This Edition

    Sep 15, 2023, 7:33 AM By MOSERS

    Benefits U Conference - Registration is Now Open!

    Annual Life Insurance Review and Open Enrollment Opportunity is Coming Soon!

  • 2023 Benefits U Conference – Registration Now Open

    Sep 15, 2023, 7:32 AM By MOSERS


    Registration now OPEN
    Registration for the 2023 Benefits U Conference is now open! This conference is for state human resource and payroll representatives and is a great way to receive the latest news and updates for administering MOSERS-provided employee benefits. This one-day conference will provide you with information to assist you in meeting the needs of your employees as well as to continue your own professional development.

    Benefits U Conference Agenda

    Date and Location:
    November 14, 2023
    Stoney Creek Hotel
    2601 S Providence Road
    Columbia, MO 65203

    Registration closes: November 1, 2023

    To register, log in to myMOSERS (instead of Employer Login) and enter your MOSERS Online ID and password. At the top of your Member Homepage, locate the Seminar Enrollment Tab and select the Benefits U option from the drop-down menu. Enter the registration code, 111423 and choose your selections, including lunch, as you proceed through the registration process.

    If you do NOT have a MOSERS Online ID, please call MOSERS at (800) 827-1063 or email us at We will register you manually as well as make sure you are included in the lunch count for the day.

    If you have forgotten or need to reset your password, select the Reset Your Password link on the log in page. You may also log in through the ESS portal, a trusted partner with MOSERS.

    Hotel Reservations
    Stoney Creek Hotel in Columbia has a discounted block of rooms available for the night before the event, November 13, to accommodate those traveling to attend the Benefits U Conference. The discounted rate of $93.00 plus tax is available through October 15. To reserve a room, visit MOSERS 2023 Benefits U - Stoney Creek Reservations or call Stoney Creek Hotel at (573) 442-6400, when promoted, select option 3 to speak with their guest services and use room block code MOSERS23-1.

    Session Materials
    MOSERS will provide session materials, such as PowerPoint presentations, handouts, etc., via emailed links to all attendees prior to the conference. If you wish to have printed copies at the conference, you will need to print the materials in advance and bring them that day.

    At registration, we will provide each attendee with a printed schedule along with a booklet containing the session descriptions and presenter bios.

    Registration Questions
    If you have questions, please call (800) 827-1063 or email

  • Annual Life Insurance Review and Open Enrollment Opportunity is Coming Soon!

    Sep 15, 2023, 7:31 AM By MOSERS

    It’s that time of year again!

    For employees who already have optional life insurance, October is their window of opportunity to increase their coverage without proving insurability (no medical questions).

    Additionally, this year, employees who do not have optional life insurance and have never been denied coverage through The Standard Insurance Company can enroll during October without proving insurability (no medical questions). This enrollment opportunity only comes around every four years.

    Benefit-eligible employees actively employed before September 1, 2023, can increase or elect coverage amounts (in increments of $10,000) by up to $100,000 without proving insurability, provided the coverage amount does not exceed six times their annual salary or $800,000. The opportunity to increase coverage amounts up to $100,000 only comes around every four years.

    Please note this opportunity does not apply to spouse and child(ren) coverage (see FAQs). If an employee wishes to maintain their current level of coverage, no action is required.

    Remind Employees to Check Their Email

    In late September, MOSERS will email eligible employees instructions explaining how to increase coverage or enroll in optional life insurance. They may view their notification in their Document Express online mailbox. Please encourage them to read it carefully. If no valid email address is on file, MOSERS will mail a letter.

    Note: All MOSERS members have access to Document Express. Employees may use ESS and go to MOSERS or log in to myMOSERS and follow the prompts. To create a MOSERS Online ID & password, employees must have a valid email address on file with MOSERS. If an employee cannot enroll online, please have them contact a MOSERS benefit counselor at (800) 827-1063 for assistance.

    Instructions for Increases Coverage and Enrolling

    If your employee wishes to increase or enroll in optional life insurance, have them go to their MOSERS Member Homepage through ESS or log in to myMOSERS between October 1 and October 31, 2023 (midnight). On the MOSERS Member Homepage, the employee must click the Update Now button and follow the steps to increase or enroll in coverage.

    Confirmation of Election

    If an employee increases or enrolls in new coverage, we will post a confirmation letter to their Document Express, which they can access by logging in to myMOSERS. We will send an email notification alerting them when it is posted and ready to be viewed. If the employee opted out of electronic delivery, we will send a confirmation letter in the mail reflecting any changes to their coverage.

    Important Details

    • We will provide eligible employees with their current 2023 coverage amount and monthly premiums (if applicable), as well as their 2024 coverage and premiums if they increase or enroll in new coverage.
    • Any new elections in October will go into effect on January 1, 2024, if they meet the “Actively-at-Work” requirement. More information is available in the Life Insurance Handbook.
    • Term life insurance proceeds are paid to designated beneficiaries upon death. There is no cash or loan value.
    • Employees can use the Optional Life Insurance Calculator to research premiums on their own.

    Life insurance through MOSERS is not available to employees of the Department of Conservation or universities (except State Technical College of Missouri & Lincoln University) because those employers provide their own life insurance benefits.

    Updating Beneficiaries

    The Annual Benefit Statement employees receive from MOSERS includes primary life insurance beneficiary designations. If an employee has had a life event that may affect their beneficiary designation, such as a marriage, divorce, or death, please encourage them to update their beneficiary designation as soon as possible. Beneficiary designations can be updated online as follows:

    • Log in to myMOSERS.
    • Click on Forms, then Life Insurance Beneficiaries in the top menu.
    • Follow the instructions for completing and submitting the online form.

    The new beneficiary designation will become effective upon receipt by MOSERS.

    Optional Life Insurance FAQs

    Q: Can employees decrease or terminate their optional life insurance coverage?

    A: Yes. They must complete an Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form and submit it to MOSERS. Employees can complete and submit the form electronically by logging in to myMOSERS. This can be done at any time throughout the year. Remember, to be eligible for future annual life insurance review periods, they must maintain at least $10,000 of optional life insurance coverage.

    Q: Can employees continue their optional life insurance into retirement?

    A: Yes. If they retire directly from active employment or within 65 days of leaving state employment, the state will continue to provide $5,000 in basic life insurance coverage at no cost to them. They may retain up to $60,000 in optional life insurance, provided they had at least that amount while actively employed. They may retain all their coverage until age 62 if they retire under the “Rule of 80" in MSEP 2000 or under the “Rule of 90” in MSEP 2011. At age 62, the coverage amount will automatically reduce to $60,000. They may reduce or terminate their optional life coverage amount after they retire, but they may not increase it.

    Q: Can employees  purchase or increase coverage for their spouse or dependent child in October?

    A: They may increase or add coverage on a spouse anytime but must prove insurability. To do so, they must complete and submit the following forms by logging in to myMOSERS:

    • Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance
    • The Standard Medical History Statement

    Dependent child coverage can be requested at any time without proof of insurability by submitting an Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form. Dependent changes can be requested at any time, not just during October. The coverage amount will remain $10,000 per child with a premium of $2 per month, regardless of the number of insured children.

    For coverage purposes only, a child is defined as the member's child from live birth to age 26. This includes biological children, dependent stepchildren and grandchildren, adopted children, and children for whom the member is the court-appointed legal guardian, provided they live with the member. Full-time members of the armed forces of any country, regardless of age, are not included in the definition of an eligible child.

    Disabled children older than age 26 who are continuously incapable of self-sustaining employment because of developmental, intellectual, or physical disability and are dependent on the member for support are also eligible for dependent coverage. However, the member must provide proof that their child is disabled and be approved by The Standard Insurance Company for continued coverage. (They may request a Continued Dependent Life Insurance for a Disabled Child form from a MOSERS benefit counselor.)

    Q: Can employees increase or add coverage for themselves outside of the annual review?

    A: Yes. Eligible employees may increase or add coverage on themselves at any time, but they must prove insurability outside the month of October. To do so, they must complete and submit the following forms by logging in to myMOSERS:

    • The Standard Medical History Statement
    • Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance

    Additionally, if they have a family status change (includes marriage, divorce or legal separation; the birth of a child; adoption of a child; or death of a spouse or child) and already have optional life insurance coverage, they may be eligible to apply for additional optional life insurance coverage for themselves without proving insurability. Additional coverage must be in $10,000 increments, not to exceed $100,000. If they do not have optional life insurance coverage and have never been denied coverage by The Standard Insurance Company, they may add coverage in increments of $10,000 up to $30,000 for themselves without proving insurability. They must apply within 31 days of the event and submit proof of the event for the coverage to be effective.

  • Recently Updated Resources

    Sep 15, 2023, 7:30 AM By MOSERS

  • In This Edition:

    Aug 16, 2023, 7:40 AM By MOSERS

    Please Work the Salary Verification Report ASAP!

    Remember the Termination and Reemployment Rules

    Reemployment – an Option for Retirees

    Invalid Address Report – a Key Part of the Annual Term Life Insurance Review

    Timely Comp Time Payouts Increase Accuracy

  • Please Work the Salary Verification Report ASAP!

    Aug 16, 2023, 7:39 AM By MOSERS

    The Salary Verification Report is ready to work. If you are not the person responsible for working this report, please let MOSERS know as soon as possible. The report must be completed by September 6.

    If you are responsible for working this report, please sign in to the Employer Login, hover over the Error Reports heading, and click the Salary Verification Report. Names of individuals responsible for working the report will appear. You may view any or all portions of the report by clicking on the appropriate name or department. You will then be able to submit your responses to MOSERS electronically.

    Eligible employees receive one times their annual salary in basic life insurance coverage. The Annual Salary Verification report is essential in ensuring that covered employees receive the correct amount of life insurance coverage each year.

    The amount of coverage adjusts each January according to the employee's annual earnings in effect on July 31 of the previous year (or the employee's first day of coverage, if not covered on July 31).

    • Annual earnings include normal earnings from a benefit-eligible position, including shift differential, security differential, and retention pay.
    • Overtime pay and other irregular payments are excluded from annual earnings.
    • If an employee is working in both a benefit-eligible and non-benefit-eligible position simultaneously, only pay from the benefit-eligible position is included in annual earnings.

    For the report, MOSERS used the SAM II base salary plus shift differential pay from the July 2023 payroll file to update basic and optional life insurance coverage amounts for most state employees. Manual salary verification is still needed for hourly and intermittent employees, employees on leave, employees working in multiple positions, and anyone not in SAM II.

    If you have questions about the annual salary verification process, please email, or call an employer services analyst at (800) 827-1063, option 2. You can also watch a brief video tutorial on how to work the report if needed. 

  • Remember the Termination and Reemployment Rules

    Aug 15, 2023, 9:00 AM By MOSERS

    Before receiving a benefit payment from MOSERS, IRS rules require a “bona fide termination” of the member’s employment. For purposes of MOSERS Board Rules, a "bona fide termination" occurs when:

    • The member has completely severed employment;
    • The member has not entered into a prearranged agreement (written or oral), prior to retirement, with the State of Missouri or any MOSERS-covered employer for subsequent employment on any basis (full-time, part-time, or other); and
    • The member is not subsequently employed with the State of Missouri or any MOSERS-covered employer on any basis (full-time, part-time, or other) within 30 days after their employment with their prior employer has ended.

    See FAQs on Termination and Reemployment Rules and a flyer on Termination and Reemployment Rules for more information.

  • Reemployment – an Option for Retirees

    Aug 15, 2023, 8:59 AM By MOSERS

    Non-Benefit Eligible:

    Upon meeting the termination and reemployment rules, a retiree may return to work and continue receiving their monthly pension payment, as long as their position is not a MOSERS or MoDOT and Patrol Employees’ Retirement System (MPERS) benefit-eligible position.

    Benefit Eligible:

    If a retiree returns to work for the state of Missouri in a MOSERS or MPERS benefit-eligible position:

    • Their monthly pension payment will stop.*
    • The life insurance they retained as a retiree, if any, will end. They may re-elect life insurance through SEBES within 31 days of employment without proving insurability.
    • Depending on various factors (their plan, how long they work, etc.), they may or may not earn additional credited service during reemployment.
    • When they return to retirement status, their monthly pension payment will equal the amount they were receiving when they returned to work plus any additional benefit they may have earned during reemployment. They also may retain life insurance up to the maximum amount allowable, if applicable.

    *Effective August 28, 2023, a retiree serving as a legislator or statewide elected official will not have their pension payment stopped.

  • Invalid Address Report– a Key Part of the Annual Term Life Insurance Review

    Aug 15, 2023, 8:58 AM By MOSERS
    MOSERS is making final preparations for our Annual Life Insurance Review, which will occur during the month of October. MOSERS does not send mail to members who have an invalid address on file in our system. It is important that we have the correct mailing addresses on file for all benefit-eligible employees. Please sign in to the Employer Login and select the MOSERS Invalid Address report. Submit any necessary changes as soon as possible so eligible employees will receive their review forms at the proper mailing address.

  • Timely Comp Time Payouts Increase Accuracy

    Aug 15, 2023, 8:58 AM By MOSERS

    Payments of unused compensatory leave time, or comp time payouts, to benefit-eligible employees made before or after an employee’s termination, are included in retirement-eligible pay and are eligible for salary credit provided contributions are remitted to MOSERS for the payment.

    Comp time payouts may impact the calculation of an employee’s pension benefit. This is why paying out unused comp time before or with an employee’s final paycheck is beneficial. A delayed comp time payout could result in an incorrect benefit estimate or pension check and could require MOSERS to recalculate a retiree’s pension.

  • Recently Updated Resources

    Aug 15, 2023, 8:57 AM By MOSERS

  • In This Edition:

    Jul 18, 2023, 8:29 AM By MOSERS

    Get Ready for the Annual Salary Verification Process 

    Save the Date for Benefits U!

    How to Correct Service Errors

    Scheduling In-Person Appointments

  • Get Ready for the Annual Salary Verification Process

    Jul 18, 2023, 8:29 AM By MOSERS

    Each August, MOSERS asks our employers to help verify employee salaries to ensure that basic life insurance coverage amounts are accurate.

    MOSERS will release the Annual Salary Verification Report in mid-August. A notice (including instructions) will be sent as soon as the report is ready for your review. Employers must complete all salary verifications by September 6th.

    The report is essential to ensuring that covered employees receive the correct amount of basic life insurance coverage each year.

    Eligible employees receive one times their annual salary in basic life insurance coverage. The amount of coverage adjusts each January according to the employee’s annual earnings in effect on July 31 of the previous year (or the employee’s first day of coverage if not covered on July 31).

    • Annual earnings include normal earnings from a benefit-eligible position, including shift differential, security differential, and retention pay.
    • Overtime pay and other irregular payments are excluded from annual earnings. 

    Additionally, if an employee is working in both a benefit-eligible and non-benefit-eligible position simultaneously, only pay from the benefit-eligible position is included in annual earnings. 

    Please email if you have questions about the annual salary verification process. You can also watch a brief video tutorial on how to work the report if needed.

  • Save the Date for Benefits U!

    Jul 18, 2023, 8:27 AM By MOSERS
    The 2023 Benefits U Conference is fast approaching. If you haven’t already done so, please save the date for November 14, 2023, in Columbia, MO at the Stoney Creek Inn. We are in the process of confirming speakers for the day and registration will open in September. We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions about the conference, please email us at

