We administer retirement, life insurance, and long-term disability benefits for most state employees, including:
- General state employees
- Employees of ten regional colleges and universities
- Members of the Missouri General Assembly
- Statewide elected officials (including the Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, State Treasurer, Secretary of State, and State Auditor)
- Judges, administrative law judges, and legal advisors
MOSERS’ eleven-member Board of Trustees has responsibility for the operation and administration of the System.
- Annual Reports
- Benefit Appeals
- Benefit Providers
- Board Rules
- Economic Impact
- Expenditures/On the Money
- Internal Audit
- Investment Policy Statement
- Key Facts
- Library - Various publications and materials
- Media Contact - For members of the media and public records requests
- MOSERS Covered Employers
- MOSERS Governance Manual
- State Statutes
- Reports & Survey Results
- Strategic Plan
Retirement Benefits
MOSERS is a single-employer, public employee retirement plan administered in accordance with Chapter 104 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri (RSMo). As a retiree, the benefits you receive are considered a “public pension” for tax reporting purposes.
Defined Benefit Pension Plans
Acting as administrative agent, MOSERS oversees retirement, life insurance, and long-term disability insurance benefits for most state employees. MOSERS administers the following retirement plans:
Missouri State Employees’ Plan (MSEP) for:
- General State Employees
- Legislators
- Elected State Officials
The Missouri State Employees’ Plan 2000 (MSEP 2000) for:
- General State Employees (including MSEP 2011 members)
- Legislators (including MSEP 2011 members)
- Elected State Officials (including MSEP 2011 members)
The Judicial Plan/Judicial Plan 2011
The Administrative Law Judges and Legal Advisors’ Plan (ALJLAP)
- The ALJLAP is closed to new members. (April 26, 2005)
MOSERS operates tax-qualified defined benefit plans under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. A defined benefit (DB) plan is one that requires a member to be vested (work a set number of years in a benefit-eligible position) and it provides a set benefit (based on salary and credited service) for life once a member meets the age and service requirements for retirement. In other words, the benefit is defined by the law. A DB plan can be either contributory or noncontributory. MSEP, MSEP 2000, the ALJLAP, and the Judicial Plan are noncontributory defined benefit plans. The MSEP 2011 tier and the Judicial Plan 2011 tier are contributory defined benefit plans.
The MO Deferred Comp Plan is a retirement savings plan for state of Missouri employees, including faculty and staff at ten state universities. The money you invest in the deferred comp plan is designed to provide additional income to supplement your MOSERS defined benefit pension and Social Security benefits in retirement.
Life Insurance
Group term life insurance helps protect you and your family from financial hardship in case of death. Term life insurance does not accumulate cash value and results in a benefit payment only upon the death of the covered individual.
We offer basic and optional term life insurance to eligible members. Basic life insurance provides you with life insurance of one times your salary. This coverage is free to you as an employee. You may elect additional life insurance, up to the lesser of 6 times your annual salary or $800,000, whichever is less. The cost of this coverage depends on your age. If eligible, you may purchase life insurance for your spouse and child(ren) through MOSERS.
Long-Term Disability Insurance
If eligible, this coverage is available at no cost to you. There is a 90-day benefit waiting period in the event you become disabled. This benefit may replace up to 60% your pre-disability earnings less any deductible income. While on long-term disability, you continue to accrue creditable service in your defined-benefit pension plan.
MOSERS exists to advance the financial security of its members.
We endeavor to:
Exceed customer expectations
Educate stakeholders
Ensure sound investment practices
Encourage responsible funding of the plans,
all through a commitment to excellence always.