HR Update

HR Update is a way for MOSERS to communicate benefit news and updates with human resource and payroll representatives. Check back often and sign up to receive our emails. 

  • In This Edition

    Feb 18, 2025, 4:20 PM By MOSERS

    Phoenix System Launch: Preparing for Go-Live

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  • Phoenix System Launch: Preparing for Go-Live

    Feb 18, 2025, 4:10 PM By MOSERS

    As we approach the launch of our new pension administration system, Phoenix, we want to ensure you have the necessary information to prepare for the transition. Phoenix will modernize payroll reporting, enhance data accuracy, and improve the administration of pension, life insurance, and long-term disability benefits. Please review the key updates below.

    Phoenix Go-Live Timeline

    We are targeting April 14, 2025, for the launch of Phoenix. This remains our goal, and we are working diligently toward that date.

    Leading up to this transition, we will provide training, resources, and ongoing communication to support HR and payroll representatives in preparing for the change.

    Given the complexity of the transition, we will continue to assess our readiness and communicate any updates if needed. In the meantime, we encourage you to stay engaged with the upcoming training and pre-cutover activities to ensure a smooth transition when Phoenix goes live.

    Phoenix Overview with HR Leaders – February 27, 2025

    To help HR leaders understand the transition, we will host a Phoenix Overview on Thursday, February 27, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. During this session, we will provide a high-level overview of payroll reporting processes in Phoenix and highlight key pre-cutover activities that must be completed to ensure a smooth transition. Invitations have been sent directly to HR leaders, and we strongly encourage attendance to understand the impact on your agency.

    Changes to Payroll Reporting in Phoenix

    The transition to Phoenix will change payroll reporting between MOSERS and its covered agencies. Phoenix will validate employee data on the front end, as it is transmitted through payroll and other methods, placing a stronger emphasis on data accuracy at the time of submission.

    Key changes include:

    Front-End Validation – Currently, payroll data is taken as-is, with employee status discrepancies identified and corrected later through status change forms and monthly error reports. With Phoenix, discrepancies will be caught and resolved before payroll data is accepted, reducing errors and minimizing hardship for impacted employees.

    Payroll Report Review Required – HR/payroll representatives must review the payroll report in Phoenix for their reporting group(s) every pay period to ensure accuracy.

    Timely Submission is Critical – Phoenix cannot accept the next payroll report until the report for the prior pay period has been submitted, making each pay cycle a time-sensitive task.

    Increased Efficiency – While this represents a process change, the automation built into Phoenix is expected to save time overall compared to the current manual submission of status change forms and error report resolution.

    The exact payroll reporting process will be covered in detail during HR and payroll representative training in March.

    Critical Pre-Cutover Actions

    To ensure a smooth transition, the following actions must be completed before Phoenix goes live:

    Employee Status Change Forms: All leaves of absence/back-to-work, terminations, and transfers effective in March or earlier must be submitted by Friday, April 4, 2025. No status change forms will be accepted after this date. Employee status changes occurring in April and beyond will be processed in Phoenix.

    SEBES Enrollments: There will be no interruption to SEBES processing. However, please ensure that new employees and newly benefit-eligible employees are entered into SEBES on their hire date or as soon as possible to maintain data accuracy.

    Error Resolution: Errors on the Aged Accounts Receivable (AAR) and Terminated reports must be resolved by March 31, 2025. To help streamline this process, beginning with the February AAR report, MOSERS will contact SAM II agency HR/pay reps directly when error resolution is needed. Local (non-SAM II) employer items will remain on the AAR report as usual. Your prompt attention to resolving errors through March 31 is critical to ensuring accurate employee data before the transition.

    Employer Training – Coming in March

    We will provide online and in-person training sessions at MOSERS in March for HR and payroll representatives who currently interact with our system. These sessions will ensure you are prepared to use Phoenix effectively. Training invitations and registration details will be sent in late February.

    Next Steps & Ongoing Communication

    We will continue to share updates as we finalize preparations for the April 14, 2025, go-live date. Your participation in pre-cutover activities and training will be essential to ensuring a successful transition.

    If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at or call an Employer Services analyst at (800) 827-1063, option 2

    Thank you for your partnership during this transition. Your efforts help ensure your employees and our members receive accurate and timely benefits they can depend on.

  • Recently Updated Resources

    Feb 18, 2025, 4:00 PM By MOSERS

  • In This Edition

    Jan 16, 2025, 10:20 AM By MOSERS

    Phoenix Update

    It’s Time to Learn About Your MOSERS Benefits

    Member Spotlight: Benefits for Every Season in Your Career

    Recently Updated Resources

  • Phoenix Update

    Jan 16, 2025, 10:15 AM By MOSERS

    As we approach the launch of MOSERS' new pension administration system, Phoenix, we want to share important updates and actions needed to ensure a smooth transition. Phoenix will improve accuracy, security, and efficiency, while sustaining and enhancing customer service. It will be the system used by MOSERS staff, HR, and payroll representatives to administer MOSERS’ pension, life insurance, and long-term disability benefits.


    We are currently targeting a spring 2025 go-live date. The deployment is right around the corner, and your participation is critical to the success of this transition.

    HR Manager Webinar

    Later this winter, we will host an online meeting for HR managers to provide:

    • An overview of Phoenix and how agencies will interact with it.
    • Key actions to prepare for the launch.

    Details about the webinar will be shared soon, so please stay tuned.

    Employer Training

    We will offer online and in-person training sessions at MOSERS for HR and payroll representatives who currently interact with our system approximately one month before we go live. These sessions will ensure you are prepared to use Phoenix effectively.

    Critical Pre-Cutover Actions

    To facilitate the transition, we ask for your assistance with the following:

    1. Submit Employee Status Change Forms: Ensure all Leave of Absence/Back to Work, Termination, and Transfer forms are submitted for every employee before cutover.
    2. Enroll New Employees via SEBES: Complete new employee enrollments through SEBES prior to the system transition.
    3. Address Aged Accounts Receivables (AAR): Resolve all outstanding items on your agency's monthly AAR reports to ensure data accuracy.

    Accurate data is vital for processing the first payroll file in Phoenix and will make the transition smoother for everyone.

    Looking Ahead

    We will share more updates as we finalize preparations this winter and confirm readiness for the spring deployment.

    Thank you for your cooperation and dedication during this transition. Your partnership ensures that your employees and our members receive timely and accurate benefits they can depend on.

    If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us by email at or by calling an Employer Services analyst at (800) 827-1063, option 2.

  • It’s Time to Learn About Your MOSERS Benefits

    Jan 16, 2025, 10:10 AM By MOSERS

    The 2025 education schedule is here! Encourage your employees to register for one of our educational programs, as they are designed for every career stage. The schedule includes both in-person seminars and online webinars. We’ve got something for all career stages.

    Newer Employees & MOSERS Webinars

    • For new employees with up to five years of service (not yet vested).
    • Learn about state benefits administered by MOSERS (pension plan, life insurance, & long-term disability) and saving options with MO Deferred Comp.
    • Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp.
    • Webinars are approximately 2 hours, with daytime and evening sessions available.
    • Register directly via GoTo Webinar.

    Mid-Career Webinars

    • For vested employees with at least five years of service and more than five years until retirement eligibility.
    • Review the benefits administered by MOSERS and learn how different career and life events may affect retirement decisions and pension benefits.
    • Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp.
    • Webinars are 2.5 hours, with daytime and evening sessions available.
    • Register in two steps: First, log in to myMOSERS and select the Education Enrollment tab. Next, follow the step-by-step instructions to complete the enrollment process and register via GoTo Webinar.

    Ready to Retire Seminars and Webinars

    • For employees within five years of retirement eligibility, with two separate sessions for MSEP/MSEP 2000 members or MSEP 2011 members.
    • In-person seminars for MSEP 2011 members will be held in Jefferson City, Kansas City, & St. Louis!
    • Learn about the retirement process, deadlines, payment options, and decisions that may impact pension benefits.
    • Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp, with full-day sessions also featuring afternoon speakers from the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan (MCHCP) and the Social Security Administration (SSA).
    • Ready to Retire sessions include in-person seminars and online webinars (full-day) or evening webinars (3.5 hours).
    • University seminars are 3.5 hours and now include all members for a combined plan session (MSEP 2011 members should contact MOSERS to register).
    • Webinars require a two-step enrollment. Follow the step-by-step instructions to complete the enrollment process and register via GoTo Webinar.

    Remind your employees to visit our Education page for more information.

    We extend a warm welcome to our HR reps and invite you to attend any type of session. MOSERS looks forward to seeing you in 2025!

  • Member Spotlight: Benefits for Every Season in Your Career

    Jan 16, 2025, 10:05 AM By MOSERS

    MOSERS member Nick Humphrey has dedicated over 30 years to the Missouri National Guard and is preparing for a new season in his career – retirement. He recently shared his experience attending a MOSERS Ready to Retire seminar to learn more about his retirement benefits.

    “In anticipation of retiring in the not-too-distant future, I attended a MOSERS ‘Ready to Retire’ seminar and was reminded what great benefits we enjoy as state employees. The seminar was very informative and enlightening. This educational day-long program is offered at different times and locations throughout the state, as well as online.

    Each person in attendance received a personalized packet that described what benefits the team member has earned and what they can expect to receive in retirement. I learned about a variety of MOSERS pension choices that can include disbursements to my spouse.

    A representative from the Social Security Administration was there to talk about different options for Social Security. A representative from the state Deferred Compensation program provided a summary of the program, demonstrating what a difference it can make in an employee’s retirement income. And finally, I learned about retirement health insurance options – I hadn’t realized one can keep your state health insurance into retirement and how the cost is discounted by your total years of service.

    The ‘Ready to Retire’ educational seminar was time well spent for me to take a deep dive into planning to make important retirement decisions, and they even feed you lunch!

    Governor Parson championed an over 20% pay raise for state employees during his time in office. This was an amazing accomplishment for our benefit, and it makes it easy to overlook some of the fantastic benefits we have as state employees. Benefits like a dedicated pension and matched deferred compensation have become extremely rare in the private sector.

    The state of Missouri has many educational opportunities for team members to learn about the benefits of state employment, no matter what ‘season’ you may be in with your state service.”

  • Recently Updated Resources

    Jan 16, 2025, 10:00 AM By MOSERS

  • In This Edition

    Dec 17, 2024, 3:29 PM By MOSERS

    The 2025 Education Schedule is Here!

    Travel Assistance and Mobile App

    Happy Holidays from MOSERS!

    Recently Updated Resources 

  • The 2025 Education Schedule is Here!

    Dec 17, 2024, 3:28 PM By MOSERS

    Encourage your employees to register for one of our educational programs in 2025! These sessions are designed to help them learn about their state employee benefits as they progress through their career and experience different life events along the way. The schedule includes both in-person seminars and online webinars.

    As an HR rep, you have an open invitation to attend any type of session. If you are unable to enroll through myMOSERS, email us at

    Feel free to copy and paste the information below in an email to your employees: 

    The 2025 Education Schedule is here!

    Newer Employees & MOSERS Webinars – Learn about the state benefits administered by MOSERS, including pension plan features, life insurance, long-term disability insurance, and your personal retirement savings plan options with MO Deferred Comp.

    Mid-Career Webinar – Find out how different career and life events may affect your pension benefit.

    Ready to Retire Sessions – Learn about the retirement process and how different decisions may impact your pension benefit. If you are within five years of retirement eligibility, register to attend a Ready to Retire webinar or seminar!

    Visit the Education page for more information!

    BIG NEWS IN 2025 - New MSEP 2011 Seminar Locations!

    St. Louis and Kansas City 

  • Travel Assistance and Mobile App

    Dec 17, 2024, 3:27 PM By MOSERS

    Remind your employees that they have access to free coverage with the Travel Assistance Program provided by The Standard Insurance Company. Travel Assistance is available to MOSERS members who have basic life insurance.

    Travel Assistance includes:

    • 24-hour phone support with registered nurses. 
    • Emergency ticket, passport, and credit card replacement. 
    • Emergency medical evacuation, plus return travel for companions or return of dependent children during prolonged hospitalization. 
    • Connection to interpreters, consular office, and a local attorney. 
    • Pre-trip services, such as passport and visa assistance. 
    • And much more!

    It's important to note that Travel Assistance is not a substitute for travel insurance. Travel Assistance provides specific support services while traveling.

    The Standard has a free and easy-to-use mobile app for members to access a wide range of global emergency assistance services.

    Encourage your employees to download the free app by following the simple steps below:

    1. Visit Google Play or the App Store.
    2. Find the Assist America Travel App.
    3. Enter reference number 01-AA-STD-5201 and their name.

    See the Travel Assistance Flyer and Service Overview in our Online Library to learn more. 

  • Happy Holidays from MOSERS!

    Dec 17, 2024, 3:26 PM By MOSERS

    As the holiday season approaches, we want to express our sincere gratitude to all our HR representatives for your hard work and dedication. As the liaison between MOSERS and our members, we truly appreciate your efforts to educate your staff about the benefits we offer. You make a difference in people’s lives every single day.

    Looking ahead, we are excited about the upcoming transition to our new pension administration system, Phoenix, in 2025. We can’t wait to share more information with you in the coming months. Stay tuned!

    Thank you for everything you do, and Happy Holidays! 

  • Recently Updated Resources

    Dec 17, 2024, 3:25 PM By MOSERS

  • In This Edition

    Nov 14, 2024, 8:16 AM By MOSERS

    Coming Soon - The 2025 Education Schedule!

  • Coming Soon - The 2025 Education Schedule!

    Nov 14, 2024, 8:16 AM By MOSERS

    We are finalizing our 2025 education schedule and anticipate having registration for sessions open by mid-December. This schedule includes both in-person seminars and online webinars.

    Newer Employees & MOSERS Webinars– Employees can start learning about the state benefits administered by MOSERS.

    • For employees who are newer to the state with less than five years of service (not yet vested).
    • Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp.
    • Sessions last approximately 2 hours.
    • Daytime sessions run from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
    • Evening sessions run from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

    Mid-Career Webinars – Employees can learn how different career and life events may affect their pension benefit.

    • For employees with at least five years of service (vested) and five or more years until retirement eligibility.
    • Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp.
    • Sessions last approximately 2.5 hours.
    • Daytime sessions are held from 9:30 a.m. to noon.
    • Evening sessions are held from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

    Ready to Retire Sessions – Employees can learn about the retirement process and how different decisions may impact their pension benefit.

    For MSEP/MSEP 2000 members:

    • Full-day webinars are from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. with a 30-minute lunch break.
    • Full-day seminars are from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. and include a box lunch.
    • Evening webinars are held from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp only.

    For MSEP 2011 members:

    • Full-day webinars are from 9:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. with a 30-minute lunch break.
    • Full-day seminars are from 9:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. and include a box lunch.

    Universities – These 3-hour Ready to Retire sessions are designed for university employees who are within five years of retirement eligibility and are either MSEP or MSEP 2000 members.

    Stay up to date and visit our Education page to view the schedules and learn how to register.

  • In This Edition

    Oct 18, 2024, 10:42 AM By MOSERS

    Annual Life Insurance Review Reminder

    Attention University Employers!

    Recently Updated Resources

  • Annual Life Insurance Review Reminder

    Oct 18, 2024, 10:41 AM By MOSERS

    We’re halfway through the 2025 Annual Life Insurance Review period.

    For employees who already have optional life insurance, October is their window of opportunity to increase their coverage without proving insurability (no medical history statement required).

    Benefit-eligible employees actively employed before September 1, 2024, can increase coverage amounts (in increments of $10,000) by up to $20,000 without proving insurability, provided the coverage amount does not exceed six times their annual salary, or $800,000. Keep in mind that this opportunity does not apply to spouse and child(ren) coverage (see FAQs). If an employee wishes to maintain their current level of coverage, no action is required

    If your employee wishes to increase their optional life insurance coverage amount, have them access their MOSERS Member Homepage through ESS or log in to myMOSERS between October 1 and October 31, 2024 (midnight). On the MOSERS Member Homepage, the employee must click the Update Now button and follow the steps to increase coverage.

    Please encourage your employees to take advantage of this special opportunity to protect their loved ones from financial hardship. Don’t miss out!

  • Attention University Employers!

    Oct 18, 2024, 10:40 AM By MOSERS

    Transferring CURP Members

    An employee’s transfer from CURP to MOSERS takes effect the first day of the month following your receipt of the Transfer of CURP Membership form from the employee. The receipt date should be noted in Section C of the form. Make sure to send completed transfer forms to MOSERS and enroll the employee into SEBES.

    For example, if you receive the transfer form on October 20, assuming the employee meets the eligibility requirements to transfer, their CURP membership will end on October 31, and their MSEP 2011 membership will start on November 1.

    Entering Contract Employees

    Contract employees who are paid over 9 or 10 months but receive service credit for 12 months of employment must be entered into SEBES as contract employees instead of regular employees. The distinction is important as it will allow us to grant these employees uninterrupted service credit and keep them off monthly error reports.

    Remember to submit Leave of Absence forms for regular employees who do not work when the institution is closed for extended periods during the winter or summer breaks.

  • Recently Updated Resources

    Oct 18, 2024, 10:39 AM By MOSERS

    Retirement Guide - September 2024

  • In This Edition

    Sep 18, 2024, 10:29 AM By MOSERS

    Annual Life Insurance Review is Coming Soon!

    Register for a University Ready to Retire Session this Fall!

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