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  • Protection of Your MOSERS Benefits

    Feb 27, 2025, 10:30 AM By MOSERS

    Hello MOSERS, In light of the current disruptions to the economy and the federal government, what steps is MOSERS taking to ensure our benefits are protected?

    At MOSERS, we are focused on ensuring the long-term stability of our member’s benefits. The MOSERS Board and staff continually monitor economic trends and actively engage with policymakers on legislative developments at the federal and state levels. Just last week, at the February 21, 2025, MOSERS Board meeting, our external Board Investment Consultant provided an analysis of key market drivers, including interest rates, inflation expectations, and potential shifts in trade policy.

    While we monitor emerging trends, our focus is on long-term goals, and our diversified investment portfolio is designed to weather the volatility of the financial markets over the long term. Furthermore, the Board has also made significant changes to the MOSERS funding policy over the past few years. A key change includes the adoption of a 32% minimum employer contribution rate. The policy is designed to increase the plan’s funded status more rapidly, albeit gradually, than without the policy.

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  • Changing Jobs Before Vesting

    Jan 31, 2025, 2:00 PM By MOSERS

    I currently work for Missouri State University, I will not be vested until 11/01/2026. I am thinking of applying for a job with Missouri Department of Economic Development, if I do I will start prior to my vested date with MSU, how would this affect my pension account?

    Since you are already working in a MOSERS benefit-eligible position, you can transfer to any other MOSERS-covered employer in a benefit-eligible position, and your service credit will transfer with you, even if you are not yet vested. Once vested, you are eligible for a lifetime pension benefit when you also meet the retirement age requirement for your plan.

    If you are an MSEP 2011 member, your employee contributions will earn interest as long as you are actively employed, even if you transfer from one MOSERS-covered position to another.

    MOSERS administers retirement benefits (defined benefit pension and deferred compensation plans) for most benefit-eligible state employees. See our list of MOSERS Covered Employers to learn which state agencies and regional colleges & universities are covered by MOSERS, and the Benefit Providers table to find out who administers various benefits.
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  • 1099-R Tax Forms Are Now Available

    Jan 22, 2025, 3:48 PM By MOSERS
    When will the 2024 1099-R forms be available on the website?

    Benefit recipients can access an electronic copy of their 1099-R form now. Log in to myMOSERS. You can find your 2024 and past 1099-R forms listed under Personal Information to view or print.

    MOSERS started mailing 1099-R forms to all retirees and beneficiaries on January 21 and will mail all of them by January 31, 2025. Please allow adequate time for the US Postal Service to deliver them.

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  • Social Security Fairness Act

    Jan 3, 2025, 9:19 AM By MOSERS
    I understand that the Social Security Fairness Act, which has passed Congress and is awaiting the President's signature, will impact payments for public sector retirees. How will MOSERS retirees be affected?
    The federal Social Security Fairness Act, HR 82, concerning the Windfall Elimination Program and Government Pension Offset, eliminates the reduction of Social Security benefits while entitled to public pensions from work not covered by Social Security. At this time, the Social Security Administration (SSA) reports that it is evaluating how to implement HR 82 and that, as more information becomes available, the SSA will provide it on its website,
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  • What is the COLA for 2025?

    Dec 3, 2024, 2:33 PM By MOSERS

    What is the projected COLA increase for 2025 since SSA has released theirs?

    We will calculate the COLA in mid-January (once all the data is available) and post it on our website. Be sure to keep an eye out for it!

    According to Missouri state law, each January, MOSERS must compare the average Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the calendar year just completed (2024) to the average CPI from the prior year (2023) to determine the percentage change between the two years. For general state employees, COLAs are based on 80% of the percentage increase in the average Consumer Price Index (CPI) from one year to the next. The maximum increase is 5% (minimum 0%).

    How MOSERS calculates the COLA for retirees is outlined in state law. The Social Security Administration uses a different process to calculate COLAs for Social Security benefits:

    • SSA uses the CPI-W index; MOSERS uses the CPI-U index, the Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers.
    • SSA bases their COLA off the 3rd calendar quarter change; MOSERS COLAs are based on the percentage increase in the average Consumer Price Index (CPI) from one year to the next using data from the entire year.
    • The SSA COLA is 100% of the change; the MOSERS COLA is 80% of the percentage increase from one year to the next.

    See the Cost-of-Living Adjustments page on our website for more information.

    UPDATE: See The 2025 COLA is here

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  • Retirement Process - Who to Notify

    Dec 2, 2024, 4:36 PM By MOSERS
    I have completed my online retirement application. My question is, do I have to notify my supervisor or regional office? I have had multiple staff mention how I haven't "turned in my paperwork," but I believe the training said HR would notify them. Just wondering if there is something I missed.

    Congratulations on your upcoming retirement!

    It is unclear from your comment if you have notified your human resources (HR) office. If you are actively employed with a state agency when you apply for retirement and if you have not already done so, please check with your HR office and follow your employer’s termination process. The termination process with your employer is separate from applying for benefits with MOSERS. Your HR office is the one who can tell you if you need to notify your supervisor or regional office. You will also want to make arrangements with HR to have any unused annual leave and/or comp time paid out to you.

    See the Ready to Retire page on our website for additional tips on the MOSERS process.

    Keep in mind that there are other benefit providers, including your medical insurance provider, that you may need to coordinate with as you move through the retirement process. See the Destination Retirement brochure for helpful checklists with various benefit providers.

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  • myMOSERS Account Security

    Oct 25, 2024, 11:35 AM By MOSERS
    Is there a way to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on the MOSERS website?
    We don’t currently utilize two-factor authentication on the MOSERS website. Members can log in to access their benefit information through myMOSERS, our secure online portal. This portal utilizes enhanced user authentication and helps protect against unauthorized access to your pension information.

    To improve the security of your personal information, our new pension administration system will require multi-factor authentication (MFA) when you log in to myMOSERS. This means you will need to provide your password and an additional layer of verification, such as using an authenticator app or confirming your identity through a text message or email. We will provide members with more information as we get closer to rolling this out.

    See the Keep Your Account Secure article and visit the myMOSERS Help Center to learn more about how we protect your personal information.
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  • How to Check Your Employee Contributions & Retirement Savings Account Balance

    Oct 25, 2024, 11:25 AM By MOSERS

    How do you check how much you have put into your retirement account?

    As a state employee, you may be participating in both the MOSERS defined-benefit pension and the supplemental retirement savings program through MO Deferred Comp. Since we are not sure which one you are referring to, we’ve addressed both below.

    Defined Benefit Pension:
    If you are in MSEP 2011 or the Judicial Plan 2011, you contribute 4% of your pay towards your future pension benefit. You can log in to myMOSERS to find your total employee contributions plus any interest. Once logged in, click on the Personal Information tab. Then, click on Contribution Calculator. Scroll all the way to the bottom for your accumulated balance. If you leave state employment, you may request a refund of your employee contributions. However, if you become vested (work for at least five years) and leave your contributions in place, you will be entitled to a future lifetime monthly pension benefit based on your total service and final average pay.

    MO Deferred Comp:
    To see how much you have saved for retirement with the MO Deferred Comp Plan, please log in to your deferred comp account. You can do so by visiting the MO Deferred Comp website or through the ESS Portal. Once you’re within your account, you can see how much you have personally contributed and the earnings you may have received from your investments. If you have questions, please reach out to your local deferred comp financial education professional or call their call center at (800) 392-0925.

    To access your account statement, log in to MO Deferred Comp’s Account Access and choose View Transaction History in the left menu under the My Account tab. Typically, around the 12th day of each calendar quarter, you will receive an eDelivery email notifying you that your account statement is available online. Follow the links within the email to view your statement. You can print a copy of your retirement plan account statement anytime from within Account Access.
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  • How is the Benefit Formula Calculated?

    Oct 24, 2024, 3:27 PM By MOSERS
    Can you please send information on how the retirement is calculated?

    For general state employees, MOSERS uses a three-part formula to calculate your monthly base benefit. This formula, as defined by law, includes the following factors:

    • Final Average Pay (FAP) – The average of your highest 36 consecutive months of compensation.
    • Multiplier – A number established by the legislature (1.6% or 0.016 for MSEP; 1.7% or 0.017 for MSEP 2000 and MSEP 2011).
    • Credited Service – Your years and months of credited service earned, purchased, or transferred, and unused sick leave (if applicable).

    Examples - Using the multiplier for MSEP 2000 or MSEP 2011 retirees:

    $3,000 (FAP) x 0.017 (Multiplier) x 15 years (Credited Service) = $765 monthly base benefit

    $3,500 (FAP) x 0.017 (Multiplier) x 17.5 years (Credited Service) = $1,041.25 monthly base benefit

    $4,000 (FAP) x 0.017 (Multiplier) x 30 years (Credited Service) = $2,040 monthly base benefit

    $_____ (FAP)   x   ____ (Multiplier)   x    ____ years (Credited Service)   =   $_______ monthly base benefit

    *Base benefit is the amount before any reductions, taxes, or other deductions.

    Learn more about the benefit formula breakdown in the Summary of Plan Benefits and by plan on our website: MSEP, MSEP 2000, and MSEP 2011.

    You can also generate a benefit estimate by logging in to myMOSERS or contacting a MOSERS benefit counselor.

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  • Life Insurance After Retirement

    Oct 4, 2024, 11:55 AM By MOSERS
    Can you retain your state life insurance when you retire? If so, how?
    The answer to your question is yes.

    If you retire within 65 days of leaving state employment, the state will continue to provide $5,000 in basic life insurance coverage at no cost to you, provided you had basic coverage while actively employed. You may retain up to $60,000 in optional life insurance, provided you had at least that amount while actively employed. You may retain all your coverage until age 62 if you retire under the “Rule of 80” in the MSEP 2000 or under the “Rule of 90” in the MSEP 2011. At age 62, the coverage amount will automatically reduce to $60,000. You may reduce or terminate your optional life coverage amount after you retire, but you may not increase it.

    At retirement, your premium will be deducted from your monthly pension benefit and may be adjusted every January based on your age and the amount of life insurance coverage you elected. You may continue coverage for your lifetime, as long as you pay the premiums and meet the terms of the group policy.

    See The Standard – Benefits at a Glance for MOSERS Members brochure for more information about retaining life insurance at retirement.
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We strive to provide the most accurate information possible in our answers to Rumor Central questions. However, occasionally, laws, policies or provisions change and individual circumstances may vary. Please contact a MOSERS benefit counselor or see the handbooks in our website Library for more detailed information. If there is any difference between the information provided in this blog or on the MOSERS website and the law or policies that govern MOSERS, the law and policies will prevail. See our Privacy, Security & Legal Notices for more information.