Deferred Compensation
The MO Deferred Comp Plan is a retirement savings plan for state of Missouri employees, including faculty and staff at ten state universities. The money you invest in the deferred comp plan is designed to provide additional income to supplement your MOSERS defined benefit pension and Social Security benefits in retirement.
Your State-Sponsored Retirement Savings Plan
Along with accumulating savings for your future, there are many other advantages to saving with MO Deferred Comp, including:
- Immediate eligibility upon hire to save with one of the nation's lowest cost retirement savings plans
- A simplified, low-cost, professionally managed investment lineup and both pre-tax and ROTH (after-tax) savings options
- Automatic payroll deductions into your deferred comp account
- Easy consolidation of retirement savings accounts from previous employers, including BackDROP rollovers
- Penalty-free access to your savings after you leave state employment
- FREE financial seminars and one-on-one consultations with industry experts
- Both free and fee-only financial planning services to help you address financial concerns and achieve your financial goals
- 24/7 online access to your account and numerous tools and resources, such as handy calculators and educational videos.
For more information on the MO Deferred Comp Plan, please visit
Saving with MO Deferred Comp
All Missouri state employees are immediately eligible to participate in deferred comp as there are no minimum service requirements to fulfill. If you were newly hired on or after July 1, 2012, you have been automatically enrolled1 in the MO Deferred Comp Plan, unless you opted out, at a 1% savings rate per pay period. If you have never enrolled in deferred comp, you can do so by visiting and clicking Create a User ID button at the top of the page OR by calling the Plan Information Line at (800) 392-0925.
Once enrolled in the plan, you can also use deferred comp's custom calculators to determine if you're on track to reach your savings goals or if you should be saving more.
- Use the Grow Your Retirement Savings Calculator to see how increasing your contribution will enhance your savings balance and income replacement potential in retirement.
- Use the personalized RetiremenTrack calculator to see possible retirement income replacement from your defined benefit pension and social security and the retirement income gap you can cover by adjusting your MO Deferred Comp retirement savings.
You can also directly access your account by logging on to Account Access via You may also access your account through the Missouri State Employees Self-Service (ESS) Portal or by calling (800) 392-0925.
More Information
Contact the MO Deferred Comp Plan
Register for Seminar & One-on-One Consultation
Use the Grow Your Retirement Saving Calculator
Download the MO Deferred Comp Mobile App

1Automatic enrollment excludes universities and previous temporary or seasonal non-benefit eligible employees. If you were newly hired on or after July 1, 2012 and left state employment on or after January 31, 2017, at rehire your contribution will be what was previously on file.