ACTIVE MEMBERS: Spring is in the Air and so is Your Annual Benefit Statement

Mar 22, 2024, 13:00 PM
Annual Benefit Statements

MOSERS distributes Annual Benefit Statements to all active members every spring, typically by the end of March.

What’s included in my Annual Benefit Statement?

A significant part of your total compensation is represented through the value of the benefits you receive as a state employee, including:

  • MOSERS defined benefit pension plan
  • Healthcare insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Long-term disability insurance
  • Employer contributions to Social Security, etc.
  • Paid time off such as annual leave, sick leave, and holidays 

Your Annual Benefit Statement contains all this information in one convenient document.

How can I use my Annual Benefit Statement to plan for retirement?

Your statement is designed to help you estimate your income in retirement and decide things like:

Keep in mind that your income in retirement may come from several different sources, such as your defined benefit pension plan, Social Security benefits, savings and investment income, and part-time or full-time reemployment.

How do I access my Annual Benefit Statement?

Annual Benefit Statements for active members are available online. You can access your statement by logging in to myMOSERS (either from or via the ESS portal, if applicable). Click on Online Documents, then Document Express. From there, you can download and save or print it.

MOSERS will send you an email notification once we have posted your statement. If you have opted to receive MOSERS documents by mail, we will also send your statement to your home address.

If you are a retiree, your Annual Benefit Statement will be available on the anniversary of your retirement date or BackDROP date. MOSERS will send you an email when it is available to view or print. 

If you are an inactive-vested member, we will send your benefit statement once every five years. 

If you are an active member who was previously retired, please call MOSERS and speak to a benefit counselor for a retirement estimate.

Conservation and university employees (except Lincoln University and State Technical College of Missouri) – Some of your benefits (such as health care and life insurance coverage, among others) are provided directly through your employer, so no information on these benefits will appear in your Annual Benefit Statement. Contact your human resources office for more details about those benefits.
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