Ready to Retire

Thank you for your service to the people of Missouri. When you are ready to retire, use the following information to make your experience as pleasant and stress-free as possible.

  • We will let you know when you are first eligible to receive your pension benefits so be sure to keep your contact information current. Attend a Ready to Retire Seminar or webinar to learn more about your benefits.
  • If you took a refund of contributions (and never returned to state employment) you are no longer eligible for a pension benefit.
  • Your pension is a defined benefit plan, which means your monthly benefit will be determined by a formula and is payable for life.
  • Your retirement date will be the first day of the month in which payments begin.
  • Pension payments are made on the last working day of each month.
  • Your pension benefit is subject to taxes.
  • Cost-of-living adjustments are determined by your retirement plan.
  • Be aware that working after retirement may affect your monthly pension benefit.
  • You may be able to keep some of your MOSERS life insurance in retirement.
  • Any long-term disability benefits end when you are eligible for normal retirement.
  • If you have an account with MO Deferred Comp, make sure they have your most recent contact information and remember to review your account periodically.

Educate yourself about your MOSERS retirement:

  • If you are a general state employee, attend a Ready to Retire Seminar or webinar.
  • If you are a college or university employee, attend an on-campus seminar or any Ready to Retire Seminar.
  • If you are a judge, administrative law judge, legislator, or statewide elected official, contact us to speak with a benefit counselor over the phone or to schedule an in-person appointment.

Easily Retire Online at myMOSERS:

  • Set up your myMOSERS Online ID & password (if you haven’t already). You must have a valid email address already on file with us. If you don’t, contact us.
  • Get a Benefit Estimate.
  • Contact us if you would like to make an appointment with a benefit counselor
  • Apply. You must complete the retirement process before you can begin receiving payments. Apply online at myMOSERS or contact us to request a Benefit Estimate and personalized Retirement Application.
  • Pay attention to the form deadlines. Your retirement may be delayed if we don’t get forms in time.
  • You can either upload scans or mail in required documents. See the Document Upload feature in myMOSERS.
  • Watch your email and check your Document Express for confirmations and updates from us about your retirement.

These resources will help you make informed decisions during the retirement process:

Contact your human resources (HR) office to find out about your employer’s resignation process and to inform them of your upcoming retirement.

Please stay in contact with MOSERS and informed about your future benefit. Help us help you.

  • Notify us when you have any significant life events (such as change in your marital status or death of a family member) that may impact your benefits.
  • At myMOSERS you can update your personal information (mailing address, email address, phone numbers, etc.) review your work history, see what plan you are in and your eligibility for retirement, review your Benefit Statement, get a benefit estimate, and more.

When is my MOSERS retirement application due?

Date of Retirement
Always the first day of the month
Step 1
Retirement Application Due
Step 2
Retirement Election Form Due
January 1November 30December 31
February 1December 31January 31
March 1January 31February 28
April 1February 28March 31
May 1March 31April 30
June 1April 30May 31
July 1May 31June 30
August 1June 30July 31
September 1July 31August 31
October 1 August 31September 30
November 1September 30October 31
December 1October 31November 30

These due dates apply to general state employees, legislators, and statewide elected officials.

The due dates do not apply to judges or administrative law judges

MOSERS cannot pay benefits until all required forms have been submitted and processed.

Submit your retirement application online at myMOSERS or contact a benefit counselor to request a paper retirement application.

MOSERS Ready to Retire Education

Navigate Your Options

It’s a good idea to attend a Ready to Retire Seminar or Webinar to learn about the retirement process. MOSERS has educational opportunities to help you achieve your retirement goals.

Benefit Payment Options

When you retire, you will elect a benefit payment option.

Your election determines if a benefit will potentially be paid to anyone else (your spouse or another beneficiary) after your death. This video illustrates the basic concept of each option.