It’s Time to Learn More About Your Benefits

Have you enrolled in a 2023 education session yet?

A Guide to Your Annual Benefit Statement

Annual Benefit Statements for all active members will be available in your online myMOSERS mailbox soon!

A Moment with MOSERS February 2023

A Moment with MOSERS February 2023

A summary of the February 2023 Board of Trustees meeting.

Pay Raise

How will the approved pay raise for state employees affect my benefit?

On Monday, February 27, 2023, Governor, Mike Parson signed supplemental spending bill, HB 14. This bill will implement an 8.7 percent cost-of-living adjustment for all active state employees.

Vesting 101

Whether you are new to the game or have been working for the state for a while, you have probably heard the word, “vested,” a few times around your workplace. What does it mean?

Rule of 80 and Rule of 90

The “Rule of 80” (or “Rule of 90” for MSEP 2011 members) simply allows some members with many years of service to reach normal retirement age sooner than they otherwise would.

Fireplace Chat

Fireside Chat with Our New Executive Director

As we enter this winter season and the new year approaches, we wanted to take a moment for a fireside chat with our new executive director, Abby Spieler.

A Moment with MOSERS November 2022

A Moment with MOSERS November 2022

A summary of the November 2022 Board of Trustees meeting.

Forfeiture/Disqualification of Retirement Benefits

Did you know that you (and your beneficiary) will forfeit all rights to pension benefits if you are convicted of a felony under state law?

Designation of Agent

Taking preemptive measures is important so you can put your mind at ease that your wishes will be carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible. The Designation of Agent form helps ensure this.

What is the Temporary Benefit?

There is sometimes confusion surrounding the Temporary Benefit. It can be mistaken as a Social Security benefit; however, this is not the case.

myMOSERS is Under Construction

Road work ahead for myMOSERS! Don’t worry. The new system will be more intuitive and include more features for you to navigate and manage your benefit.

Marvelous MOSERS Retirees

Submit your retirement stories and we will feature you in our summer newsletters!

A Moment with MOSERS November 2022

A Moment with MOSERS September 2022

A summary of the September 2022 Board of Trustees meeting.

Results of the MOSERS Board Election

The 2022 Board of Trustees Election results are in!

Let’s Talk about Sick Leave

We understand that there is often confusion regarding unused sick leave upon retirement. Let’s take a deep dive into the basics of sick leave.

Pension 101: Ready to Retire

Here's what you need to know about your pension and preparing for retirement.

2023 Annual Optional Term Life Insurance Review Period

It’s that time of year again—the month of October is your window of opportunity to evaluate your optional life insurance coverage and decide if you would like to increase it.

Accommodations Exist for Mental Health and Substance Use through the Workplace Possibilities Program

The Workplace Possibilities program includes a variety of services designed to help employees.

Calculating Your Benefit Estimate

Benefit estimates help you get a better idea of your future benefit payments. Learn more about how they are calculated and how you can get one.

News Archive
