Forfeiture/Disqualification of Retirement Benefits

Did you know that you (and your beneficiary) will forfeit all rights to pension benefits accrued on or after August 28, 2014, if you are convicted of a felony under state law?
You could lose your pension benefits if the felony pertains to stealing or receiving stolen money, property, or service valued at $5,000 or more, forgery, counterfeiting, bribery of a public servant or acceding to corruption in connection with your duties as a state employee.
Additionally, MOSERS will not pay an annuity to any survivor or beneficiary who is charged with the intentional killing of a member, retiree or survivor without legal excuse or justification. A survivor or beneficiary who is convicted of such a charge will no longer be entitled to receive an annuity. If the survivor or beneficiary is not convicted of such charge, MOSERS will resume annuity payments and will pay the survivor or beneficiary any annuity payments that were suspended pending resolution of such charge.
While this is not common, it is important information to know.