
Schedule Your Visit With Us in Advance!

If you’re short on time and need to meet with a benefit counselor, please schedule in advance!

Changing Jobs?

If you are an active member and plan to change jobs within the state, your MOSERS benefits may transfer with you!

Updating Your Beneficiaries

Whether you are an active employee, a vested former state employee, or retired, it is important to review and keep your beneficiaries up to date.

Vesting and Your Future Pension Benefit

Whether you are a new state employee or mid-career, you may have heard the word "vested" a few times around your workplace and wonder what it means.

Economic Impact of MOSERS Pension Benefits

Are you curious about the impact of active and retired state employees on our local community?

1099-R Tax Forms Are Now Available

We began mailing paper copies of 1099-R forms on January 21 and will mail all of them by January 31. You will need this important form to file your taxes.

The 2025 COLA is Here

The cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2025 is 2.359%.

MOSERS Honored With National Public Pension Standards Award

MOSERS recently received the Public Pension Standards Award from the Public Pension Coordinating Council for 2024.

Available Now: The 2025 Education Schedule!

The MOSERS 2025 education schedule includes both in-person seminars and online webinars. Be sure to check out our Education page for the latest information!

New Year, New myMOSERS

As we approach a new year, we are getting closer to the launch of a new online member portal.

1099-R Forms Mailed by January 31, 2025

MOSERS will mail 1099-R forms to all retirees and beneficiaries by the end of January.

Retiree Spotlight: Service and Honor - A Veteran's Story

Army veteran and state retiree Leonard Rutledge shares his retirement story.

2025 COLA Announcement Coming Soon!

We will calculate the COLA in mid-January and post it on our website. Be sure to keep an eye out for it!

Tips From an Educator for Active Members

Our educators are an essential resource for our members. They offer valuable knowledge and guidance to members regarding their MOSERS benefits.

Employee Contributions: What are these deductions?

Are you curious how employee contributions help to fund your future pension benefit?

Easily Manage Your Benefits With the New myMOSERS!

A new and improved myMOSERS, our online member portal, is coming in 2025.

Are You Returning to State Employment?

If you’re returning to state employment and have questions about your benefits, we are here to help!

Your MOSERS Pension Benefit

As a vested former state employee, you have a lifetime monthly pension benefit waiting for you!

How the Accelerated Benefit Can Help When You Need it Most

If you have basic life insurance through MOSERS and a terminal illness, you may have access to an accelerated benefit.

The Value of a COLA

MOSERS retirees and surviving beneficiaries receive annual cost-of-living adjustments to help offset the effects of inflation on their retirement benefits.

News Archive
