Changing Jobs?

Mar 24, 2025, 09:00 AM

If you are an active member and plan to change jobs within the state, your MOSERS benefits may transfer with you!

As long as you are working in a MOSERS benefit-eligible position, you can transfer to any other MOSERS-covered employer in a benefit-eligible position, and your service credit will transfer with you, even if you are not yet vested. Once vested, you are eligible for a future lifetime pension benefit. You may begin drawing your benefit once you complete the retirement process and meet the retirement age requirement for your plan.

If you are an MSEP 2011 member, your employee contributions will continue to earn interest as long as you are actively employed, even if you transfer from one MOSERS-covered position to another.

MOSERS administers retirement benefits (defined benefit pension and deferred compensation plans) for most benefit-eligible state employees.

See our list of MOSERS Covered Employers to learn which state agencies and regional colleges and universities are covered by MOSERS, and the Benefit Providers table to determine who administers various benefits.

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