HR Update is a way for MOSERS to communicate benefit news and updates with human resource and payroll representatives. Check back often and sign up to receive our emails. 

  • Travel Assistance and Mobile App

    Dec 17, 2024, 3:27 PM By MOSERS

    Remind your employees that they have access to free coverage with the Travel Assistance Program provided by The Standard Insurance Company. Travel Assistance is available to MOSERS members who have basic life insurance.

    Travel Assistance includes:

    • 24-hour phone support with registered nurses. 
    • Emergency ticket, passport, and credit card replacement. 
    • Emergency medical evacuation, plus return travel for companions or return of dependent children during prolonged hospitalization. 
    • Connection to interpreters, consular office, and a local attorney. 
    • Pre-trip services, such as passport and visa assistance. 
    • And much more!

    It's important to note that Travel Assistance is not a substitute for travel insurance. Travel Assistance provides specific support services while traveling.

    The Standard has a free and easy-to-use mobile app for members to access a wide range of global emergency assistance services.

    Encourage your employees to download the free app by following the simple steps below:

    1. Visit Google Play or the App Store.
    2. Find the Assist America Travel App.
    3. Enter reference number 01-AA-STD-5201 and their name.

    See the Travel Assistance Flyer and Service Overview in our Online Library to learn more. 

  • Annual Life Insurance Review Reminder

    Oct 18, 2024, 10:41 AM By MOSERS

    We’re halfway through the 2025 Annual Life Insurance Review period.

    For employees who already have optional life insurance, October is their window of opportunity to increase their coverage without proving insurability (no medical history statement required).

    Benefit-eligible employees actively employed before September 1, 2024, can increase coverage amounts (in increments of $10,000) by up to $20,000 without proving insurability, provided the coverage amount does not exceed six times their annual salary, or $800,000. Keep in mind that this opportunity does not apply to spouse and child(ren) coverage (see FAQs). If an employee wishes to maintain their current level of coverage, no action is required

    If your employee wishes to increase their optional life insurance coverage amount, have them access their MOSERS Member Homepage through ESS or log in to myMOSERS between October 1 and October 31, 2024 (midnight). On the MOSERS Member Homepage, the employee must click the Update Now button and follow the steps to increase coverage.

    Please encourage your employees to take advantage of this special opportunity to protect their loved ones from financial hardship. Don’t miss out!

  • Annual Life Insurance Review is Coming Soon!

    Sep 18, 2024, 10:28 AM By MOSERS

    It’s that time of year again!

    For employees who already have optional life insurance, October is their window of opportunity to increase their coverage without proving insurability (no medical history statement required).

    Benefit-eligible employees actively employed before September 1, 2024, can increase coverage amounts (in increments of $10,000) by up to $20,000 without proving insurability, provided the coverage amount does not exceed six times their annual salary, or $800,000. Keep in mind that this opportunity does not apply to spouse and child(ren) coverage (see FAQs). If an employee wishes to maintain their current level of coverage, no action is required.

    Remind Employees to Check Their Email

    In late September, MOSERS will email eligible employees instructions on how to increase coverage. If eligible, they will find a personalized letter in their Document Express online mailbox outlining their optional life insurance coverage options. Please encourage them to read it carefully. If no valid email address is on file, MOSERS will mail a letter.

    All MOSERS members have access to Document Express. Employees may use ESS and go to MOSERS or log in to myMOSERS and follow the prompts. Remind your employees that they must have a valid email address on file with MOSERS to create an Online ID and password. If an employee cannot enroll online, they may contact a MOSERS benefit counselor for assistance.

    Instructions for Increasing Coverage

    If your employee wishes to increase their optional life insurance coverage amount, have them access their MOSERS Member Homepage through ESS or log in to myMOSERS between October 1 and October 31, 2024 (midnight). On the MOSERS Member Homepage, the employee must click the Update Now button and follow the steps to increase coverage.

    Confirmation of Election

    If an employee increases their coverage, we will post a confirmation letter to Document Express, which they can access by logging in to myMOSERS. We will send an email notification once it is posted and ready to be viewed. If the employee opted out of electronic delivery, we will send a confirmation letter in the mail reflecting any changes to their coverage.

    Important Details

    • We will provide eligible employees with their current 2024 coverage amount and monthly premiums, as well as their new 2025 premiums.
    • Any new elections in October will go into effect on January 1, 2025, if they meet the “actively at work” requirement. More information is available in the Life Insurance Handbook.
    • Term life insurance proceeds are paid to the designated beneficiary(ies) when the employee dies. There is no cash or loan value.
    • Employees can use the Optional Life Insurance Calculator to research premiums on their own.

    Life insurance through MOSERS is not available to Department of Conservation or university employees (except State Technical College of Missouri & Lincoln University) because those employers provide their own life insurance benefits.

    Updating Beneficiaries

    The Annual Benefit Statement employees receive from MOSERS includes their primary life insurance beneficiary designation. If an employee has had a life event that may affect this information, such as a marriage, divorce, or death, please encourage them to update their beneficiary designations as soon as possible. Beneficiary designations can be updated online by following these steps:

    • Log in to myMOSERS.
    • Select Forms, then Life Insurance Beneficiaries in the top menu.
    • Follow the instructions for completing and submitting the online form.

    The new beneficiary designations will become effective upon receipt by MOSERS.

    Optional Life Insurance FAQs

    Q: Can employees decrease or terminate their optional life insurance coverage?

    A: Yes. They must complete an Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form and submit it to MOSERS. Employees can complete and submit the form electronically by logging in to myMOSERS at any time during the year. Remember, to be eligible for future annual review periods, they must maintain at least $10,000 of optional life insurance coverage.

    Q: Can employees continue their optional life insurance into retirement?

    A: Yes. If they retire directly from active employment or within 65 days of leaving state employment, the state will continue to provide $5,000 in basic life insurance coverage at no cost to them. They may retain up to $60,000 in optional life insurance, provided they had at least that amount while actively employed. They may retain all their coverage until age 62 if they retire under the Rule of 80 in MSEP 2000 or under the Rule of 90 in MSEP 2011. At age 62, the coverage amount will automatically reduce to $60,000. They may reduce or terminate their optional life coverage amount after they retire, but they may not increase it.

    Q: Can employees purchase (or increase) coverage for their spouse or dependent child in October?

    A: They may increase or add coverage on a spouse at any time but must prove insurability. To do so, they must submit the following forms by logging in to myMOSERS:

    Eligible dependent child(ren) can be enrolled at any time without proof of insurability by submitting an Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form. Dependent changes can be requested at any time, not just during October. The coverage amount will remain $10,000 per child with a premium of $2 per month, regardless of the number of insured children.

    For coverage purposes only, a child is defined as the member's child from live birth to age 26. This includes biological children, dependent stepchildren and grandchildren, adopted children, and children for whom the member is the court-appointed legal guardian, provided they live with the member. Full-time members of the armed forces of any country, regardless of age, are not included in the definition of an eligible child.

    Disabled children older than age 26, who are continuously incapable of self-sustaining employment because of developmental, intellectual, or physical handicaps and are dependent on the member for support, are also eligible for dependent coverage. However, the member must provide proof that their child is disabled and be approved by The Standard Insurance Company for continued coverage. (The Continued Dependent Life Insurance for a Disabled Child form is available in our Online Library or can be requested from a MOSERS benefit counselor.)

    Q: Can employees enroll in the Optional Life Insurance Plan if they are not currently enrolled?

    A: If they have a family status change (including marriage, divorce, or legal separation; birth of a child; adoption of a child; or death of a spouse or child), they may be eligible to apply for up to $30,000 of optional life insurance coverage, in $10,000 increments, for themselves without proving insurability. They must complete an Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form within 31 days of the event and submit proof of family status change. Otherwise, the employee must submit the Medical History Statement along with the Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form and be approved by The Standard Insurance Company for the coverage to be effective.


  • April Hiring Event Was a Success!

    May 16, 2024, 8:12 AM By MOSERS

    On April 4, our educators, John Wells and Amber Arnold, represented MOSERS at the State of Missouri Hiring Event in Jefferson City. We were excited about the opportunity to tell prospective state employees about all the benefits we administer, including pension, life insurance, and long-term disability.

    Representatives from 21 different state agencies attended this hiring event, which allowed over 293 job seekers to engage with recruiters and receive assistance in their job search. Fifty of those job seekers also received resume support. The state recruiters conducted 2,397 conversations and 181 on-site interviews, with 28 conditional job offers made on that day alone!

    Agencies in attendance:

    • State Auditor’s Office 
    • Department of Commerce and Insurance 
    • Department of Economic Development 
    • Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 
    • Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development  
    • Department of Health and Senior Services 
    • Department of Mental Health  
    • Department of Natural Resources  
    • Department of Corrections 
    • Department of Labor and Industrial Relations 
    • Department of Revenue 
    • Department of Public Safety 
    • Department of Social Services 
    • Department of Agriculture 
    • Department of Conservation 
    • Department of Transportation 
    • Missouri State Public Defender 
    • Missouri National Guard 
    • Office of Administration 
    • Office of State Courts Administrator
    • Secretary of State

    Resource Area Vendors:

    • DHEWD with Resume Support 
    • DHEWD with Career Skills Program 
    • DSS with Workforce & Community Initiatives 
    • Dreams to Reality 
    • MCHCP 
    • MOSERS 
    • MO Deferred Comp
    • OA with the Office of Equal Opportunity

    Thank you to all the employers who were able to attend! This hiring event was a great success because of your efforts to promote employment with the State of Missouri.

  • Reminder: Scheduling Appointments in Advance

    May 16, 2024, 8:11 AM By MOSERS

    Your employees can always schedule an appointment in advance to meet with a benefit counselor in our office. This will result in a much shorter wait time and allow us to answer all their questions about retirement, life insurance, and long-term disability benefits.

    Counselors are available to assist members from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Our office is open during the noon hour for members who would like to drop off forms, but we also have a drop box outside our office available 24/7.

    Our benefit counselors can:

    • Print off benefit estimates during an appointment. 
    • Discuss retirement options. 
    • Demonstrate how to retire online. 
    • Provide personal assistance when submitting a claim for life insurance or long-term disability benefits.

    And so much more!

    Please encourage your employees to make an appointment in advance to meet with a benefit counselor, as our staff is limited in availability. They can contact us by calling (800) 827-1063 or (573) 632-6100.

    If employees would rather meet virtually instead of in-person, they can just let us know when they contact us to schedule an appointment. We will set it up through Microsoft Teams, making it easy to connect one-on-one with a benefit counselor.

  • Spring Cleaning Reminder

    Apr 17, 2024, 9:39 AM By MOSERS

    Spring is here, and it’s a good time to remind your employees to clean up their life insurance beneficiary designations to make sure they are current. If they’ve had any family status changes, such as a marriage, divorce, legal separation, the birth or adoption of a child, or simply need to update a beneficiary’s name or address, they can review the beneficiaries listed in their Annual Benefit Statement. Beneficiary designations can be updated at any time by logging in to myMOSERS. Their beneficiary information will be displayed below their current life insurance coverage amount. They may change their designation while logged in by selecting Forms from the main menu, then Life Insurance Beneficiaries.

    *Conservation and College & University Employees (except Lincoln University and State Technical College of Missouri): As you know, some of their benefits (such as life insurance and disability coverage) are provided directly through their employer, so no information on these benefits will appear in their 2024 Annual Benefit Statement from MOSERS.

  • 2024 Life Insurance Review & Open Enrollment

    Oct 17, 2023, 12:06 AM By MOSERS

    The MOSERS Annual Life Insurance Review and Open Enrollment Opportunity ends at midnight on October 31st!

    If your employees have questions about their optional life insurance needs, they may schedule a one-on-one session with a life insurance specialist from The Standard on October 19th, 23rd, or 30th.

    Once every four years, MOSERS, along with The Standard Insurance Company, offers optional life insurance open enrollment for actively employed MOSERS members. The open enrollment period allows you to enroll in new coverage or increase coverage amounts without proving insurability (no medical questions):

    • If you currently have coverage, you can increase it in increments of $10,000 up to $100,000.
    • If you don’t have optional life insurance through MOSERS, this is your chance to enroll. You may elect coverage amounts in increments of $10,000 up to $100,000.

    To be eligible for the life insurance open enrollment, you must be actively employed in a MOSERS benefit-eligible position before September 1, 2023. This enrollment offer applies to member coverage only (not spouse or child coverage). If you have been previously denied coverage by The Standard or you are already carrying the maximum* coverage, you are not eligible to add coverage.

    For more detailed information review the 2024 Optional Life Insurance Open Enrollment for Active Members article.

    *The maximum amount of optional life insurance coverage is six times your annual salary or $800,000, whichever is less.

  • Annual Life Insurance Review and Open Enrollment Opportunity is Coming Soon!

    Sep 15, 2023, 7:31 AM By MOSERS

    It’s that time of year again!

    For employees who already have optional life insurance, October is their window of opportunity to increase their coverage without proving insurability (no medical questions).

    Additionally, this year, employees who do not have optional life insurance and have never been denied coverage through The Standard Insurance Company can enroll during October without proving insurability (no medical questions). This enrollment opportunity only comes around every four years.

    Benefit-eligible employees actively employed before September 1, 2023, can increase or elect coverage amounts (in increments of $10,000) by up to $100,000 without proving insurability, provided the coverage amount does not exceed six times their annual salary or $800,000. The opportunity to increase coverage amounts up to $100,000 only comes around every four years.

    Please note this opportunity does not apply to spouse and child(ren) coverage (see FAQs). If an employee wishes to maintain their current level of coverage, no action is required.

    Remind Employees to Check Their Email

    In late September, MOSERS will email eligible employees instructions explaining how to increase coverage or enroll in optional life insurance. They may view their notification in their Document Express online mailbox. Please encourage them to read it carefully. If no valid email address is on file, MOSERS will mail a letter.

    Note: All MOSERS members have access to Document Express. Employees may use ESS and go to MOSERS or log in to myMOSERS and follow the prompts. To create a MOSERS Online ID & password, employees must have a valid email address on file with MOSERS. If an employee cannot enroll online, please have them contact a MOSERS benefit counselor at (800) 827-1063 for assistance.

    Instructions for Increases Coverage and Enrolling

    If your employee wishes to increase or enroll in optional life insurance, have them go to their MOSERS Member Homepage through ESS or log in to myMOSERS between October 1 and October 31, 2023 (midnight). On the MOSERS Member Homepage, the employee must click the Update Now button and follow the steps to increase or enroll in coverage.

    Confirmation of Election

    If an employee increases or enrolls in new coverage, we will post a confirmation letter to their Document Express, which they can access by logging in to myMOSERS. We will send an email notification alerting them when it is posted and ready to be viewed. If the employee opted out of electronic delivery, we will send a confirmation letter in the mail reflecting any changes to their coverage.

    Important Details

    • We will provide eligible employees with their current 2023 coverage amount and monthly premiums (if applicable), as well as their 2024 coverage and premiums if they increase or enroll in new coverage.
    • Any new elections in October will go into effect on January 1, 2024, if they meet the “Actively-at-Work” requirement. More information is available in the Life Insurance Handbook.
    • Term life insurance proceeds are paid to designated beneficiaries upon death. There is no cash or loan value.
    • Employees can use the Optional Life Insurance Calculator to research premiums on their own.

    Life insurance through MOSERS is not available to employees of the Department of Conservation or universities (except State Technical College of Missouri & Lincoln University) because those employers provide their own life insurance benefits.

    Updating Beneficiaries

    The Annual Benefit Statement employees receive from MOSERS includes primary life insurance beneficiary designations. If an employee has had a life event that may affect their beneficiary designation, such as a marriage, divorce, or death, please encourage them to update their beneficiary designation as soon as possible. Beneficiary designations can be updated online as follows:

    • Log in to myMOSERS.
    • Click on Forms, then Life Insurance Beneficiaries in the top menu.
    • Follow the instructions for completing and submitting the online form.

    The new beneficiary designation will become effective upon receipt by MOSERS.

    Optional Life Insurance FAQs

    Q: Can employees decrease or terminate their optional life insurance coverage?

    A: Yes. They must complete an Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form and submit it to MOSERS. Employees can complete and submit the form electronically by logging in to myMOSERS. This can be done at any time throughout the year. Remember, to be eligible for future annual life insurance review periods, they must maintain at least $10,000 of optional life insurance coverage.

    Q: Can employees continue their optional life insurance into retirement?

    A: Yes. If they retire directly from active employment or within 65 days of leaving state employment, the state will continue to provide $5,000 in basic life insurance coverage at no cost to them. They may retain up to $60,000 in optional life insurance, provided they had at least that amount while actively employed. They may retain all their coverage until age 62 if they retire under the “Rule of 80" in MSEP 2000 or under the “Rule of 90” in MSEP 2011. At age 62, the coverage amount will automatically reduce to $60,000. They may reduce or terminate their optional life coverage amount after they retire, but they may not increase it.

    Q: Can employees  purchase or increase coverage for their spouse or dependent child in October?

    A: They may increase or add coverage on a spouse anytime but must prove insurability. To do so, they must complete and submit the following forms by logging in to myMOSERS:

    • Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance
    • The Standard Medical History Statement

    Dependent child coverage can be requested at any time without proof of insurability by submitting an Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form. Dependent changes can be requested at any time, not just during October. The coverage amount will remain $10,000 per child with a premium of $2 per month, regardless of the number of insured children.

    For coverage purposes only, a child is defined as the member's child from live birth to age 26. This includes biological children, dependent stepchildren and grandchildren, adopted children, and children for whom the member is the court-appointed legal guardian, provided they live with the member. Full-time members of the armed forces of any country, regardless of age, are not included in the definition of an eligible child.

    Disabled children older than age 26 who are continuously incapable of self-sustaining employment because of developmental, intellectual, or physical disability and are dependent on the member for support are also eligible for dependent coverage. However, the member must provide proof that their child is disabled and be approved by The Standard Insurance Company for continued coverage. (They may request a Continued Dependent Life Insurance for a Disabled Child form from a MOSERS benefit counselor.)

    Q: Can employees increase or add coverage for themselves outside of the annual review?

    A: Yes. Eligible employees may increase or add coverage on themselves at any time, but they must prove insurability outside the month of October. To do so, they must complete and submit the following forms by logging in to myMOSERS:

    • The Standard Medical History Statement
    • Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance

    Additionally, if they have a family status change (includes marriage, divorce or legal separation; the birth of a child; adoption of a child; or death of a spouse or child) and already have optional life insurance coverage, they may be eligible to apply for additional optional life insurance coverage for themselves without proving insurability. Additional coverage must be in $10,000 increments, not to exceed $100,000. If they do not have optional life insurance coverage and have never been denied coverage by The Standard Insurance Company, they may add coverage in increments of $10,000 up to $30,000 for themselves without proving insurability. They must apply within 31 days of the event and submit proof of the event for the coverage to be effective.

  • Annual Optional Life Insurance Review Reminder

    Oct 13, 2022, 7:48 AM By MOSERS

    We’re halfway through the 2022 Annual Life Insurance Review period. We will be sending emails reminding our eligible members of this opportunity, which ends on October 31st. During the month of October, members can log in to myMOSERS to increase their optional life insurance coverage, without having to prove insurability! Please encourage your employees to take advantage of this special opportunity to help provide financial security for their loved ones if something happens to them. Don’t miss out!

  • Annual Term Life Insurance Review is Coming Soon!

    Sep 13, 2022, 9:59 AM By MOSERS

    It’s that time of year again! The month of October is your employees’ window of opportunity to increase their optional life insurance coverage without proving insurability. Eligible employees can increase their coverage (in increments of $10,000) by up to $20,000 without proving insurability provided the coverage amount does not exceed 6 times their annual salary or $800,000.  Please note this review period does not apply to spouse and child(ren) coverage (see FAQs). If your employees wish to maintain their current level of coverage, no action is required.

    Updating Their Beneficiaries

    Included on your employees’ Annual Benefit Statement is their primary life insurance beneficiary designation. If your employees have had a life change that may affect this information, such as a marriage, divorce, or death, please encourage them to update their beneficiary designations as soon as possible. For your employees’ convenience, they may quickly and easily update their beneficiary designations online by following these steps:

    • Log in to myMOSERS.
    • Click on Forms then Life Insurance Beneficiaries in the top menu.
    • Follow the instructions for completing and submitting the online form.

    The new designation form will become effective upon receipt at MOSERS.

    Remind Employees to Check Their Email

    In late September, MOSERS sends instructions via email to eligible members explaining how to increase coverage. They may view their notification in their Document Express online mailbox. Please encourage them to read it carefully. If there is no valid email address on file for them, MOSERS will send a letter to them in the mail.

    Note: All MOSERS members have access to Document Express. They may use ESS and go to MOSERS. Or log in to myMOSERS and follow the prompts. To create their MOSERS Online ID & password they must have a valid email address on file with MOSERS. If they cannot enroll online, please have them contact a MOSERS benefit counselor at (800) 827-1063 for assistance.


    To be eligible for the Annual Term Life Insurance Review, your employees must:

    • Be actively employed in a MOSERS benefit-eligible position before Septemeber 1, 2022
    • Be currently insured with less than the maximum amount of optional life insurance coverage (the lesser of six times their annual salary or $800,000).

    Online Election Method

    If your employee wishes to increase their optional life insurance coverage amount, have them go to their MOSERS Member Homepage through ESS or log in to myMOSERS between October 1 and October 31, 2022 (midnight). On their MOSERS Member Homepage, they will need to simply click on the Learn More button and follow the steps to increase their coverage.

    Confirmation of Their Election

    If they increase their coverage, their confirmation letter will be posted to their Document Express, which they can access by logging in to myMOSERS.They will receive an email notification alerting them when it is posted and ready to be viewed; they may then save it to their computer, or print it. If they opted out of electronic delivery, they will receive a confirmation letter in the mail reflecting any changes to their coverage.

    Important Details

    • To aid in their decision, they will be provided with their current 2022 coverage amount and monthly premiums, as well as what their new 2023 premiums will be if they opt for the increase.
    • Any new elections in October will go into effect on January 1, 2023, as long as they meet the “Actively-at-Work” requirement. More information is available in the Life Insurance Handbook.
    • Term life insurance proceeds are paid to their beneficiary(ies) when they die. It has no cash or loan value.
    • They can use the Optional Life Insurance Calculator to determine the premiums for themselves.

    MOSERS’ life insurance is not available to employees of the Department of Conservation or universities (except State Technical College of Missouri & Lincoln University), because those employers provide their own life insurance benefits.

    Optional Term Life Insurance FAQs

    Q: Can they decrease or terminate their optional life insurance coverage?

    A: Yes. They must complete an Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form and submit it to MOSERS. The form can be completed and submitted electronically by logging in to myMOSERS. This can be done at any time throughout the year. Remember, to be eligible for future annual review periods, they must maintain at least $10,000 of optional life insurance coverage.

    Q: Can they continue their optional life insurance into retirement?

    A: Yes. If they retire within 60 days of leaving state employment, the state will continue to provide $5,000 in basic life insurance coverage at no cost to them. They may retain up to $60,000 in optional life insurance, provided they had at least that amount while actively employed. They may retain all their coverage until age 62 if they retire under the “Rule of 80" in MSEP 2000 or under the “Rule of 90” in MSEP 2011. At age 62, the coverage amount will automatically reduce to $60,000. They may reduce or terminate their optional life coverage amount after they retire, but they may not increase it.

    Q: Can they purchase (or increase) coverage for their spouse or dependent child during the annual review?

    A: They may increase coverage on a spouse at any time, but will need to prove insurability. To do so, they must complete and submit the following forms by logging in to myMOSERS:

    • The Standard Medical History Statement
    • Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance

    Dependent changes for eligible children can be requested at any time without proof of insurability, not just during October. The coverage amount will remain $10,000 per child with a premium of $2 per month, regardless of the number of insured children. For coverage purposes only, a child is defined as the member's child from live birth to age 26. This includes dependent stepchildren and grandchildren, adopted children, and children for whom the member is the court-appointed legal guardian provided they are living with the member. Full-time members of the armed forces of any country, regardless of age, are not included in the definition of an eligible child.

    Disabled children older than age 26, who are continuously incapable of self-sustaining employment because of developmental, intellectual, or physical disability and are dependent on the member for support, are also eligible for dependent coverage. However, the member must provide proof that their child is disabled and be approved by Standard Insurance Company for continued coverage. (They may request a Continued Dependent Life Insurance for a Disabled Child form from a MOSERS benefit counselor.)

    Q: Can they enroll in the Optional Life Insurance Plan if they are currently not enrolled?

    A: If they have a family status change (includes marriage, divorce or legal separation; birth of a child; adoption of a child; or death of a spouse or child), they may be eligible to apply for up to $30,000 of optional life insurance coverage, in $10,000 increments, for themselves without proving insurability. Those previously denied coverage or already carrying the maximum coverage are not eligible. They must complete an Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form within 31 days of the event and submit proof of family status change. Otherwise, to enroll in the Optional Life Insurance Plan, they will need to submit the online Medical History Statement along with the Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form and be approved by The Standard Insurance Company.

    Q: Can they increase their optional life insurance coverage by MORE than $20,000 if they don’t have a family status change as described above

    A: As a MOSERS member, they may increase coverage on themselves at any time, but they must prove insurability. To do so, they must complete and submit the following forms by logging in to myMOSERS:

    • The Standard Medical History Statement
    • Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance

  • Travel Assistance Mobile App

    Jun 15, 2022, 10:13 AM By MOSERS

    The Standard has created an easy-to-use mobile app for travel assistance. This app lets members access a wide range of global emergency assistance services. This is replacing the previous wallet card.

    Mobile App Features:

    • Tap for Help. Use one-touch calling to reach Assist America's 24/7 Operations Center.
    • Voice over Internet Protocols (VoIP). Avoid international phone charges by calling Assist America for free using a Wi-Fi connection.
    • Pre-Trip Information. Access detailed country-specific information to prepare for your trip.
    • Travel Alerts. Receive alerts on urgent global situations that may impact travel.
    • Travel Status Indicator. Use the GPS feature to know when you're eligible for services.
    • Embassy & U.S. Pharmacy Locator. Locate the nearest embassy/consulate of 23 countries and pharmacies near you (U S. pharmacies only).
    • Mobile ID Card. Your Assist America ID card is conveniently stored within the app.
    • Available in Seven Languages. The app is available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin, Thai, Bahasa, and French.

    Please encourage your employees to download the app following the simple steps below.

    1) Visiting Google Play or the App Store

    2) Find the Assist America Mobile App

    3) Enter reference number 01-AA-STD-5201 and member name

    To learn more, see the Travel Assistance Flyer and Service Overview located in our online Library.

