HR Update is a way for MOSERS to communicate benefit news and updates with human resource and payroll representatives. Check back often and sign up to receive our emails.
Hour Tracking for Non-Benefit-Eligible Employees
Mar 14, 2024, 08:10 AM by MOSERS
We sometimes get asked when the tracking period starts for hourly employees hired into non-benefit-eligible positions.
There is no tracking period from the MOSERS perspective. The decision to hire an employee into a benefit-eligible position is at the sole discretion of the employer and should be made at the time of hire using the following guidance:
- Employees who work in positions that normally require at least 1,040 hours a year are eligible for benefits.
- The number of hours required by a position should be based on the number of hours expected during the normal course of business over a one-year period by position, regardless of whether the position is intended to be temporary or permanent in nature.
Benefit-eligible employees are entitled to service and salary credit towards the calculation of their future pension and maintain life and long-term disability insurance through MOSERS (if applicable). As a result, the employer will remit retirement contributions and insurance premiums for all benefit-eligible employees with each paycheck.
Annual Benefit Statement
Benefit-Eligible Position
Employee Education
Employer Education
Life Insurance
Long-Term Disability
Pension Benefits
Pension Plans
Retirement Process
Termination and Reemployment Rules