HR Update is a way for MOSERS to communicate benefit news and updates with human resource and payroll representatives. Check back often and sign up to receive our emails.
Learn About Your MOSERS Benefits!
Jan 18, 2024, 08:21 AM by MOSERS
Please encourage your team members to sign up for MOSERS education events in 2024! We’ve got something for all career stages.
Newer Employees & MOSERS Webinars
- For employees who are newer to the state but have less than five years of service (not yet vested).
- Daytime and evening webinars are available.
- Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp.
- Webinars are approximately 2 hours.
- Register via GoTo Webinar for a daytime webinar or evening webinar.
Mid-Career Webinars
- For employees with at least five years of service (vested) and more than five years until retirement eligibility.
- Daytime and evening webinars are available.
- Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp.
- Webinars are 2 ½ hours.
- Register at myMOSERS by following step-by-step instructions for enrolling in a webinar via myMOSERS and GoTo Webinar.
Ready to Retire Webinars and Seminars
- Full-day webinars or in-person seminars.
- Speakers include MOSERS, MO Deferred Comp, the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan (MCHCP), and the Social Security Administration (SSA).
- Visit the Ready to Retire page to get all the details!
This year, in addition to our MSEP 2011 webinars, MOSERS is offering IN-PERSON Ready to Retire seminars for MSEP 2011 members in Jefferson City and two new locations!
February 27 in Jefferson City
March 28 in Macon
July 18 in Blue Springs (Kansas City area)
July 23 in Jefferson City
MSEP 2011 webinars on May 29 and Nov 7
See all seminar and webinar options for all career stages on our Education page.
Annual Benefit Statement
Benefit-Eligible Position
Employee Education
Employer Education
Life Insurance
Long-Term Disability
Pension Benefits
Pension Plans
Retirement Process
Termination and Reemployment Rules