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2024 Life Insurance Review & Open Enrollment

Oct 17, 2023, 00:06 AM by MOSERS

The MOSERS Annual Life Insurance Review and Open Enrollment Opportunity ends at midnight on October 31st!

If your employees have questions about their optional life insurance needs, they may schedule a one-on-one session with a life insurance specialist from The Standard on October 19th, 23rd, or 30th.

Once every four years, MOSERS, along with The Standard Insurance Company, offers optional life insurance open enrollment for actively employed MOSERS members. The open enrollment period allows you to enroll in new coverage or increase coverage amounts without proving insurability (no medical questions):

  • If you currently have coverage, you can increase it in increments of $10,000 up to $100,000.
  • If you don’t have optional life insurance through MOSERS, this is your chance to enroll. You may elect coverage amounts in increments of $10,000 up to $100,000.

To be eligible for the life insurance open enrollment, you must be actively employed in a MOSERS benefit-eligible position before September 1, 2023. This enrollment offer applies to member coverage only (not spouse or child coverage). If you have been previously denied coverage by The Standard or you are already carrying the maximum* coverage, you are not eligible to add coverage.

For more detailed information review the 2024 Optional Life Insurance Open Enrollment for Active Members article.

*The maximum amount of optional life insurance coverage is six times your annual salary or $800,000, whichever is less.

