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Returning to Work

Jun 22, 2022, 08:59 AM by MOSERS

Hello. Quick question. I am a current state retiree, and am starting to work part time with a state agency. I know that I'm limited to 1,000 hours in a calendar year. However, is there a weekly or monthly maximum of hours? I have never heard that there was, but I may be working quite a few hours for short periods of time, and I wanted to make sure there would be no issues. Thanks!

Before receiving a benefit payment from MOSERS, IRS rules require a “bona fide termination” of your employment. Upon meeting the termination and reemployment rules, you may return to work and continue receiving your monthly pension payment, as long as your position is not a MOSERS or MoDOT and Patrol Employees’ Retirement System (MPERS) benefit-eligible position.

Generally speaking, an employee must work in a position normally requiring at least 1,040 hours per year to qualify for MOSERS benefits. It is the responsibility of the employer, not MOSERS, to determine if a position is eligible for MOSERS benefits. Therefore, your new employer would make the decision regarding your question about a maximum amount of weekly or monthly hours. Once your employer has notified you if it is a benefit-eligible position or not, we encourage you to contact a MOSERS benefit counselor to discuss your specific situation.

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