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Reemployment and Your Pension

Mar 4, 2022, 15:22 PM by MOSERS
Hello. I do have a question about working part time in state government after retirement. I know that a job with a state agency is limited to less than 1000 hours annually, and I did that for awhile right after retirement. I have been offered a part time job with a private consulting firm that is contracted with a state agency. Since my employer would be a private firm, not state government, these hours would not count towards a 1000 hour limit, correct? Thanks!

You are correct. Upon meeting the termination and reemployment rules, you may return to work and continue receiving your monthly pension payment, as long as your position is not a MOSERS or MoDOT and Patrol Employees’ Retirement System (MPERS) benefit-eligible position (i.e. a position normally requiring at least 1,040 hours a year).

Contracted employees working directly under a private firm are not typically classified as state employees. Such employment should not interfere with your ability to receive your MOSERS benefit, however, we recommend that you contact the employer to confirm that anyone employed as such would not be considered a state employee.

If you return to work for the state of Missouri in a MOSERS or MPERS benefit-eligible position:

  • Your monthly pension payment will stop.
  • Depending on various factors (your plan, how long you work, etc.), you may or may not earn additional credited service during reemployment.
  • When you retire again, your monthly pension payment will equal the amount you were receiving when you returned to work plus any additional benefit you may have earned during reemployment.
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