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  • Changing Your Name After Retirement

    Oct 19, 2021, 1:27 PM By MOSERS
    I got married and need to change my name. How do I go about doing that?

    Any member who is currently receiving a pension benefit of any kind or who is an inactive-vested member must submit proof to change their name or marital status.

    Proof of name change is required:

    • For any member when applying for retirement or after retirement if the name or information provided on the retirement application or other form differs from our records.
    • For any member when applying for a refund of employee contributions.
    • For any beneficiary applying for survivor or remaining guaranteed payments.

    For proof of name change and marital status, we can accept a divorce decree or a marriage certificate.

    We accept documents of proof in the format of photo or electronic copy. You can mail, e-mail, upload through myMOSERS account, or fax them to us.

    If you have additional questions, please contact a MOSERS benefit counselor at (800) 827-1063 or (573) 632-6100.

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  • Changing Your Name

    Oct 18, 2021, 9:41 AM By MOSERS
    I need to change my name - I got married. How do I do so? Thanks!!

    If you are currently an active state employee, you do not have to provide any documentation for these changes. Just contact a MOSERS benefit counselor at (800) 827-1063 or (573) 632-6100 so that they can verify your identity and update your name in our system.

    However, any member who is currently receiving a pension benefit of any kind or who is an inactive-vested member must submit proof to change their name or marital status.

    Proof of name change is also required:

    • For any member when applying for retirement or after retirement if the name or information provided on the retirement application or other form differs from our records.
    • For any member when applying for a refund of employee contributions.
    • For any beneficiary applying for survivor or remaining guaranteed payments.

    We accept documents of proof in the format of photo or electronic copy. You can mail, e-mail, upload through myMOSERS account, or fax them to us.

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  • View Your Beneficiaries

    Aug 9, 2021, 8:48 AM By MOSERS
    I attempted to locate who my contingent beneficiaries are on my life insurance and could not figure out how to do this. Please tell me what steps I need to take. Thank you.

    To view your beneficiary designations, log in to myMOSERS. Click on Personal Information then Life Insurance. To update beneficiaries, complete and submit the  Designation of Life Insurance Beneficiaries form (“Life Ins Beneficiaries” from the Forms drop-down menu).

    If you are an active member of MSEP 2011 or the Judicial Plan 2011, you should also complete and submit the Contribution Beneficiaries form for your employee contributions.

    If you cannot log in to submit the forms online, contact a MOSERS benefit counselor to request paper forms, which we will mail to your home address.

    If you participate in the state’s deferred compensation program, you may want to update your beneficiaries with MO Deferred Comp, as well. 

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  • Updating Your Mailing Address

    Aug 6, 2021, 2:05 PM By MOSERS

    You can change your mailing address by logging in to myMOSERS. Select Personal Information then click Update Personal Information. You can also make changes to your email address and phone number(s). Updates to email addresses become effective by the next working day. If you wish, you may choose a future date (up to 3 months ) for other changes to become effective. If you are unable to do so online, please contact a MOSERS benefit counselor, who would be happy to assist you.

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  • Last working day before retirement

    Jul 26, 2021, 10:46 AM By MOSERS

     I'm retiring Aug. 1st. Is there a rule that I have to work one more day, even if your are on annual leave. Thank You. 

    MOSERS has no authority over the policies and procedures of an agency in determining onsite requirements when an employee is ending their service. Therefore, we encourage you to talk with your HR staff and/or your supervisor in advance of your retirement to find out about the policies and procedures at your agency.

    Your last day of work as a MOSERS benefit-eligible employee, as reported by your employer, must be at least one day prior to your retirement date with MOSERS. Your retirement date with MOSERS must be on the first day of a month.

    Please see the Ready to Retire page of our website and contact a MOSERS benefit counselor for more information. 

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  • Email Options

    Jun 21, 2021, 8:24 AM By MOSERS
    My wife and I each receive a copy of "Retiree NEWS". We would appreciate receiving only one copy at this address. Thank you. 

    This is something we are working on improving with our new pension administration system. Currently, in order to only receive one copy per household, one of you will need to opt in to receive all notices electronically. (Note: Doing so will result in that person receiving nearly all of their correspondence from MOSERS online – not just RetireeNews.) Start by logging in to myMOSERS, selecting Personal Information then Email Options. From there you can opt in to electronic notices. 

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  • Where to Find Annual Benefit Statements

    Jun 17, 2021, 9:52 AM By MOSERS
    Hello. How can I access a copy of my annual benefit statement? Thanks.

    Annual Benefit Statements for active members are available online. You can access your statement by logging in to myMOSERS, clicking on Online Documents then on Document Express. You can then download and save it or print it. If you have opted to receive your correspondence from MOSERS through the mail, we mail your statement to your home address each year in March.  

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  • Last Day of Work Prior to Retirement?

    Jun 9, 2021, 1:58 PM By MOSERS
    I have been told that as a state employee you are required to show up on your last day of employment prior to retirement. Example if my retirement date was July 1, I would have to come in on June 30th. You did not have to work an 8 hour day but had to be there for at least one hour. Is this correct?

    MOSERS has no authority over the policies and procedures of an agency in determining onsite requirements when an employee is ending their service. Therefore, we encourage you to talk with your HR staff and/or your supervisor in advance of your retirement to find out about the policies and procedures at your agency.

    Your last day of work as a MOSERS benefit-eligible employee, as reported by your employer, must be at least one day prior to your retirement date with MOSERS. Your retirement date with MOSERS must be on the first day of a month.

    If you haven’t already, we encourage you to sign up for a Ready to Retire seminar or webinar, see the Ready to Retire page of our website and contact a MOSERS benefit counselor for more information. 

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  • MSEP 2000 Normal Retirement Eligibility

    Mar 22, 2021, 12:03 PM By MOSERS
    In reading your newsletter today regarding the different requirements to retire, for the MSEP 2000, wasn't there an early retirement option at age 57 with 5 years of service also?

     Yes, there is an early retirement option for members who are members of the MSEP 2000. What we referenced in the previous Rumor Central post was just normal retirement eligibility, not early retirement eligibility. You can find more information on our MSEP 2000 web page.

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  • How to Update Beneficiaries

    Mar 4, 2021, 3:26 PM By MOSERS
    Both my daughters are now married. They are two of my beneficiaries. How do I change just their last names?

    To update your beneficiary designations, log in to myMOSERS. Complete and submit the Designation/Change of Beneficiaries form (“Life Ins Beneficiaries” from the Forms drop-down menu) for basic and optional life insurance. If you are a member of the MSEP 2011 or the Judicial Plan 2011, you should also complete and submit the Contribution Beneficiaries form for your employee contributions.

    If you cannot log in to submit the forms online, contact a MOSERS benefit counselor at, (800) 827-1063 or (573) 632-6100 to request paper forms, which we will mail to your home address.

    If you participate in the state’s deferred compensation program, you may want to update your beneficiaries with MO Deferred Comp, as well.

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We strive to provide the most accurate information possible in our answers to Rumor Central questions. However, occasionally, laws, policies or provisions change and individual circumstances may vary. Please contact a MOSERS benefit counselor or see the handbooks in our website Library for more detailed information. If there is any difference between the information provided in this blog or on the MOSERS website and the law or policies that govern MOSERS, the law and policies will prevail. See our Privacy, Security & Legal Notices for more information.