Ready to Retire? Retire Online!

Retirement isn't just a destination—it's a journey! Many of our members retire online after attending a Ready to Retire seminar (or two), making an appointment to speak with a MOSERS benefit counselor to discuss retirement options, and, finally, making those important financial decisions with their spouse or a significant other.
Thinking about retiring online? The easiest and most convenient way to apply for retirement is online. When you apply online, there's no waiting for us to process a paper retirement application and then mail the other forms to you. Complete both steps of the two-step retirement process online all at once or leave and come back later.
Start by logging in to myMOSERS and selecting Retire Online from the menu. You'll see a retirement progress bar on your screen showing how close you are to completing the process. You'll also see a list of Step 1 Forms and Step 2 Forms, with a green checkmark by the forms you have already completed. The step-by-step instructions for each form will guide you through what you need to do.
For more information, check out our quick video, Retire Online, or our Applying for Retirement web page.
We send a retirement process satisfaction survey to everyone who retires and has a valid email address on file with us. Below are some comments we received about staff and the online retirement process:
Recent retiree comments:
“The retirement process was very straightforward, and staff were very helpful. I especially appreciated the attention to detail that staff provided.”
“I had an outstanding day with my retirement counselor, and I cannot say enough about how well the day went. You have a great system, and the retirement meetings were so helpful. Thanks for all that you did.”
“I love the website. As I got closer to my final retirement date, I would check it almost daily - estimating my final amount - because I was ready to RETIRE!”
“The entire process was very organized and so easy to follow that it made me think I was doing something wrong and that I had to have missed a step because it was so simple. “
If you are married and elect a benefit payment option other than a joint & survivor option, your spouse must consent to your election by signing a form that we will send to you. If you elect BackDROP, with a rollover distribution going anywhere other than to MO Deferred Comp, we will send a form to you, which you must have signed by an authorized representative of the qualified retirement plan agreeing to accept the rollover. Once signed, the form must be returned to MOSERS.
Retirement Resources
These tools will help you make informed decisions during the retirement process:
- Ready to Retire page – What you need to know, next steps, when to contact us, and more information
- Retire Online Video – A handy video on the process of retiring online
- Retirement Guide – Why and how to complete various forms
- Smart Start Checklist – A list of information you should have readily available when you apply for retirement
- Destination Retirement Checklist – A checklist of other benefit providers to contact and tasks to complete when you retire from active state employment