The Basics of Normal Retirement Eligibility
Mar 22, 2024, 08:00 AM

Retirement eligibility depends on your plan and is based on a combination of your age and service. Here’s a simple breakdown.
Normal Retirement Eligibility Requirements:
- Age 65 + 5 years of service or
- Age 60 + 15 years of service or
- Rule of 80 – (at least age 48) when age + years of service = 80 or more
- Age 62 + 5 years of service or
- Rule of 80 – (at least age 48) when age + years of service = 80 or more
- Age 67 + 5 years of service or
- Rule of 90 – (at least age 55) when age + years of service = 90 or more
If you want to see your normal retirement eligibility date, log in to myMOSERS, click on Estimates, and then Estimate Your Retirement Date.
Remember, you are not required to reach the Rule of 80 or Rule of 90. You will reach normal retirement eligibility when you reach any of the age plus service requirements for your plan.
Not sure if you are in MSEP, MSEP 2000, or MSEP 2011? See the What’s My Plan? tool for information about plan membership, retirement eligibility requirements, and more!