Marriage and Divorce After Retirement

If your marital status has recently changed, here’s what you need to know.
Marriage After Retirement
When you retired, you elected a benefit payment option. There are certain circumstances under which you may reelect your benefit payment option.
- If you were single at retirement and elected the life income annuity, you may elect a survivor benefit for your new spouse if you marry after retirement.
- If you elected a joint & survivor option at retirement and your spouse dies first, you may elect a survivor benefit for your new spouse if you remarry.
Keep in mind that you will have one year from your date of marriage to reelect one of the joint & survivor options and name your spouse as the beneficiary. Contact MOSERS to start this process. We will provide you with an estimate of survivor benefit payment options and a Designation of New Spouse form.
Divorce After Retirement
As of January 1, 2021, if you divorce after retirement, you may remove your ex-spouse as the survivor beneficiary of your pension and receive an adjusted amount. To adjust your benefits, you must obtain a divorce decree or amended divorce decree that includes specific language from a court of competent jurisdiction and provide MOSERS with a certified copy.
For more details, read the Divorce & Your Pension Benefit brochure, visit our Life Events page, or contact a MOSERS benefit counselor.