Can I Purchase or Transfer Service Credit?

If you’re a state employee with prior public service, you may be able to purchase or transfer any prior service credit to MOSERS. Since your future pension benefit with MOSERS is based on your years of service, it might be to your advantage to purchase or transfer any qualifying prior service. It may increase your benefit, allow you to retire sooner, or both!
See the graphic below to determine which plan you are in. This will help you determine if you are eligible to purchase or transfer service credit.
After identifying your plan, view the appropriate Purchasing and Transferring Service Guide:
- Purchasing and Transferring Service Guide for MSEP 2011 Members
- Purchasing and Transferring Service Guide for MSEP 2000 Members
- Purchasing and Transferring Service Guide for MSEP (Closed Plan) Members
You may be eligible to purchase and transfer vested service from other plans if you are vested with MOSERS. Because every situation is different, we strongly encourage you to review the guide for your plan and contact a MOSERS benefit counselor with questions. They can assist you in making informed decisions about your prior service credit and its potential impact on your retirement benefits.
A benefit counselor can provide an estimate that will tell you:
- If prior service credit is available for purchase or transfer.
- How much it will cost (if available for purchase), and your payment options.
- If the extra service will make you eligible for retirement sooner.
- How much it will increase your future benefits.
In some situations, purchasing service is advantageous; in others, it can be cost-prohibitive, so it’s important to evaluate your options carefully. Because interest can be a factor in the cost to purchase service, it may be to your advantage to purchase it earlier in your career rather than later. You must complete any purchase or transfer of service before you apply for retirement.
Can I purchase or transfer prior military service?
To receive automatic service credit, you must have been employed by the state immediately before active-duty military service and return within USERRA requirements.
If you are a member of MSEP or MSEP 2000, you may be eligible to purchase up to four years of prior active-duty military service. To be eligible, you must be vested in MOSERS and provide a valid DD-214 or NGB-23 covering the service period.
What if I leave a MOSERS-covered employer?
If you move to an employer not covered by MOSERS, you may be able to transfer service credit from MOSERS.
For example, the Missouri Department of Transportation is covered under MPERS, not MOSERS. If you go to work for a Missouri public school, it may be covered by PSRS/PEERS. It’s important to determine if your service credit can be purchased or transferred before you decide to transfer to another employer. We recommend contacting your employer to determine if and how MOSERS service can be added to their system.
Some of the plans that you may transfer or purchase service from include:
- Public School and Education Employee Retirement System (PSRS/PEERS)
- Missouri Local Government Employees’ Retirement System (LAGERS)
- Employees Retirement System of the City of St. Louis
- Police Retirement System of St. Louis
- Kansas City Employees’ Retirement System
- MoDOT & Patrol Employees’ Retirement System (MPERS)
There are other options for transferring or purchasing prior service credit. Remember that except for military service, it must be full-time, nonfederal, public employment rendered in Missouri.
It’s important to note that this is a brief overview, not an in-depth guide. For more detailed information, see the Purchasing and Transferring Service Guide for your plan (listed above) or contact a MOSERS benefit counselor.