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Pre-tax Insurance Premiums

Jan 29, 2021, 13:06 PM by MOSERS
In retirement MOSERS can make direct payment to MCHCP to pay for insurance premiums for retired members. Can those payments be pre tax from my pension check?

If applicable, all of the following deductions may be withheld from your MOSERS monthly pension benefit payment but they are all post-tax:

• Missouri income tax as specified on your W-4P (tax withholding form)

• Federal income tax as specified on your W-4P (Without this form, we are required to withhold federal taxes as if you are married claiming three allowances.)

• MOSERS optional life insurance premium

• Aflac insurance premium

• Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan (MCHCP) premium

• Department of Conservation’s health and life insurance premium(s)

• Miscellaneous deductions such as vision and dental insurance and Missouri State Employees Charitable Campaign (MSECC) contributions

However, information from ASI/MO Café indicates that in the year that you retire, you are entitled to pre-pay for health, dental, and vision coverage through the end of that calendar year. If you can afford to have money deducted from your paycheck before you retire or from any payout for unused annual leave, you can authorize a pre-tax lump-sum insurance deduction. There is also some information about it on MCHCP’s Retirement – State Members page. 

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