Annual Life Insurance Review

Eligible members with optional life insurance coverage through our insurance carrier, The Standard, may participate in the Annual Life Insurance Review each October. This is your window of opportunity to evaluate your optional life insurance coverage and decide if you would like to increase it (within the established guidelines) without proving evidence of insurability.
Every October, MOSERS offers an Annual Life Insurance Review period for members who currently have optional life insurance coverage. This is an opportunity for those members to increase their coverage amount without providing evidence of insurability.
If you missed the Annual Life Insurance Review period, you can request to increase your coverage amount at anytime during the year by logging into myMOSERS and completing the Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form. Any coverage change request outside of the Annual Life Insurance Review period will be subject to an approval of your Medical History Statement by The Standard Insurance Company.
If you have a family status change during the year, you have 31 days after the qualifying event to increase your coverage amount. Complete the Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form by logging into myMOSERS and submitting proof of your family status change. You may be able to increase your coverage amount without providing evidence of insurability in increments of $10,000 up to $100,000, if you:
- Have never been denied coverage by The Standard Insurance Company, and
- are already enrolled in optional life insurance, and
- are not already carrying your maximum coverage amount.
This information only applies to members who currently have optional life insurance coverage.
If you are enrolling in optional life insurance for the first time, review the Basic and Optional Life Insurance Handbook and the Life Insurance page for more information.