Phoenix Sneak Peek – Capturing Leave Events
Hello Phoenix, goodbye leave forms! You read that right, upon the launch of Phoenix in 2023, leave forms will be a thing of the past!
For SAM II employers or non-SAM II employers using the expanded file format, Phoenix is designed to capture leave events and other status changes automatically from your payroll system. This efficiency in Phoenix will eliminate the need for you to do the double work of entering leave into your payroll system and then reporting the leave separately to MOSERS. In addition to saving you time, this feature will greatly benefit your employees' by significantly reducing the possibility of variance between your records and the employees' official MOSERS service record. Your employees' future pension is based on their total service credit and average salary. In other words, the greater their service credit, the greater their lifetime pension.
Thus, it is essential that your employees experiencing valid leave events, such as leave due to illness, receive full service and salary credit towards their future pension. Capturing this information automatically, but still giving you the ability to make manual adjustments, if needed, will strengthen data reporting to MOSERS and help ensure the accuracy of employee benefits. For additional reference, check out this high-level overview of the process map of Capturing Leave Events in Phoenix. Keep in mind that this is just a “sneak peek,” and we will provide you with training and resources before Phoenix goes live.
Annual Benefit Statement
Benefit-Eligible Position
Employee Education
Employer Education
Life Insurance
Long-Term Disability
Pension Benefits
Pension Plans
Retirement Process
Termination and Reemployment Rules