Spring is Here and So is Your Annual Benefit Statement

Apr 5, 2021, 09:16 AM

Spring showers bring... Annual Benefit Statements! These statements are designed to provide you with a summary of your MOSERS benefits and to help you better estimate the income you will have in retirement. Each spring, we send these personalized statements so our members can make decisions today and plan for tomorrow! This year, we also want to encourage you to participate in the first annual MOSERS Month. Keep an eye out for a hidden code word within your Annual Benefit Statement and check out the MOSERS Month page and activity guide for more information.

Your statement should help you estimate the income you will have in retirement from MOSERS and decide things like:

  • Are you saving enough for retirement in your MO Deferred Comp account?
  • Should you make any changes to your cafeteria planhealth insurance, or life insurance coverage the next time you have the opportunity to do so?
  • When will you be financially ready to retire?
  • Your benefit statement will also show you how much income you can expect to receive in retirement from your deferred compensation account at your current savings rate (if you contribute) along with your estimated MOSERS defined benefit pension.

Your income in retirement may come from several different sources such as:

  • Your MOSERS defined benefit pension plan
  • Social Security retirement benefits
  • Savings and investment income (from individual accounts such as the MO Deferred Comp Plan)  
  • Part-time or full-time reemployment

The 2021 Annual Benefit Statements for active members are now available online. You can access your statement today by logging in to myMOSERS. Click on Online Documents then on Document Express. If you have opted to receive your correspondence from MOSERS through the mail, we will mail your statement to your home address. It is also available as described above.

If you are a retiree, your Annual Benefit Statement will be available on the anniversary of your retirement date (or BackDROP date). MOSERS will send you an email when it is available to view or print from your member homepage. If you are a terminated-vested member, you will receive your benefit statement once every five years. If you are an active member who was previously retired, please call MOSERS and speak to a benefit counselor for a retirement estimate.

Missouri Conservation Department and University Employees (except Lincoln University and State Technical College of Missouri) – Some of your benefits (such as health care and life insurance coverage, among others) are provided directly through your employer so no information on these benefits will appear in your Annual Benefit Statement. Contact your human resources office for more information on those benefits.

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